Obama Cut Funding for Abstinence-Only Sex Ed

President Obama has eliminated all government funding for abstinence-only sex education programs in public schools. Research shows that abstinence-only-until-marriage programs are ineffective and that they negatively impact young people’s health. Abstinence-only sex ed programs, and abstinence-until-marriage programs, are an extremely limited version of sexual education. These types of programs emphasize that young people should not have sexual intercourse until after they are married. Abstinence based sexual education programs rarely include information about anatomy, puberty, sexual health, and sexual orientation. These programs are favored by some Christian religious groups and by Republican lawmakers. Research shows that abstinence-only sexual education programs are … Continue reading

Your Parenting Style Impacts Your Teen’s Autonomy

One of the many goals of parenting is to raise children who become successful adults. Ideally, teens should develop the skills they need in order to become adults who can function in the “real world”. A study shows that your parenting style impacts your teen’s autonomy and the quality of his or her romantic relationships as an adult. Developmentally speaking, teenagers are at a stage when they are beginning to separate from their family and seek out their own, individual, identity. Little kids typically have a strong desire to seek approval from their parents. Teens, however, are much more interested … Continue reading

Have Fun this Summer

I never put together a summer bucket list.  I saw blogs filled with printables and ideas for a bucket list and just pushed the idea aside.  I quietly envied those with the freedom for a bucket list but figured I would never have the time.  It was summer and that meant it was my time to get some projects completed and work on building up my graphic design business again.  My business partner and I have a list a mile long of how we will run our business and what services we would offer.  Most of June has consisted of … Continue reading

How a Road Trip Can Save You Money… and Your Relationship

Newsflash: A road trip with your spouse can help you save money on couples’ counseling… and potentially an expensive divorce. Despite what you saw when Oprah and Gayle did it, a new study finds that extended periods of time in a car with a friend or significant other can be good for your relationship. YourTango and Ford Motor Company just released the results of a poll that queried more than 1,000 people who had driven long distances with a spouse or significant other. According to the poll, 84 percent said that the road trip experience strengthened their relationship. The bulk … Continue reading

Fun Apps For Your Pregnancy

Since there’s an app for almost everything these days, it should come as no surprise that there are plenty of apps out there that have been designed for pregnant women. There are the classic, practical apps like contraction timers and period trackers, but there are a few others out there that are a little more unique. I’ve looked around online and have come up with a few fun apps that you might like to try during your pregnancy. If you or your partner love fantasy sports, you are sure to enjoy Baby Pool. Even if you have never played fantasy … Continue reading

Mission Possible – Dining Out With Your Toddler

If the thought of dining out with your little one brings to mind images of ketchup – covered tantrums or macaroni meltdowns, know that while those things can and do happen it is also possible to have a fun dinner out with your entire family. While it is not possible to guarantee a successful restaurant outing with your toddler, there are things that you can do to increase your chances of having a good time. First, choose your venue carefully. Look for a place with gracious staff, an inviting atmosphere, and food that you know your toddler likes. Also, plan … Continue reading

Making The Night Shift Work For Your Family

Yesterday I talked a little bit about parents who choose to work the night shift. If you are wondering how it works on a practical level, I have decided to discuss that today. After trying a couple of different approaches to adjusting your family’s schedule to accommodate a parent working the night shift at home you will most likely find a solution that works for your family. When a family or a couple thinks of each day as a twenty four hour period of time, it is easier to find creative ways to do or have the things that you … Continue reading

Brighten Your Desk with House Plants

A home work space or office should be functional, inspire work, and have an atmosphere of calmness even in the midst of a storm. We cannot prevent the storms that come with business but if we decorate in a way that calms our nerves yet does not put us to sleep we may be able to control our reactions to the storms. When my desk is messy I feel disorganized and messy. I always feel more productive when my area is clean and functional. I also like adding a bit of personality and life to my area. My office space … Continue reading

Introducing Your Children To Someone New

If you read enough single parent blogs and articles you will see one subject popping up over and over- dating. That’s because we all just keep trying. Simply because our marriage didn’t work out doesn’t mean we are resigned to a life alone. Everyone needs companionship and love, none of us are immune, and so we keep trying. What this means to your children depends more on the individual child than their age or any other factor. Some children accept the fact that you are dating and don’t seem to give it a second thought. Other’s act like this person … Continue reading

Working Out With Your Spouse

My husband is not a big fan of exercise like I am. He plays at a church weekly basketball night which is the extent of his designated cardio activity. He would much rather be doing something for the house or yard. It is fine most the time because when he is working on the house or yard, he actually is getting exercise without realizing it. Although I don’t mind doing most my workouts solo or with one of my workout buddies, there are some sports and activities I would prefer to do with him and just spend time together. I … Continue reading