What is Earth Day?

Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 every year. Many people consider the creation of Earth Day to be the moment when the modern environmental movement began. There will be events held, all around the world, that are intended to demonstrate support for environmental protection. John McConnell was the founder and creator of Earth Day. In 1939, he was partnering with chemist Albert Nobell in the Nobell Research Laboratory in Los Angeles, California. They built a factory that manufactured plastic. John McConnell learned about how the manufacture of plastic polluted the Earth. This is where his concern about the environment … Continue reading

School Days

Here’s an idea for a unique school-themed scrapbook layout: A photo collage of me and other moms with the bloody fingers we got from labeling every. single. school. supply. our kids are required to take to class. I typed up and stuck on more than 100 labels to individual crayons, pencils, markers, folders and notebooks. Insanity. And here’s the irony: I’m sure my kid will still get her stuff “accidently” stolen during the school year despite my four hours of hard labor. It’s not like a single white label is going to be a deterrent to kids with itchy fingers … Continue reading

My Son’s Birthday Party Part II

While the first tradition I have for my son’s birthday parties involve chocolate cake, the second tradition involves making my son some kind of crazy crown hat to wear for the party! Made out of colored construction paper, this party hat is the envy of all. It is not a traditional crown but more a circular head piece with lots of colorful paper sticking out all over. Every year it is a little bit different than the year before. After making said birthday party hat, I turned my attention to the chocolate cupcakes. I used my favorite chocolate cake recipe … Continue reading

The First Days Post-Partum

The day of and the day after my daughters birth were marked by significant and abrupt changes. My body underwent a tremendous transformation in a matter of hours. The most obvious of course was that I was no longer pregnant. I still felt heavy in my abdomen and pelvis. I experienced a lot more discomfort after my daughter’s birth than I did with my son’s birth. Thankfully, I was able to rest with my newborn while my husband and family attended to our needs. The only time I had to stand and walk around (which seemed more difficult the second … Continue reading

Dealing With Interruptions In Your Work Day

Sometimes, it is easy to manage your time when you run a home-based business. You set your work hours, choose a planning and organizing system either on your computer or smartphone or on paper and use it religiously, and there you go. Often, things are not that simple though. Your work time becomes riddled with interruptions and your non-work time also gets invaded by work-related interruptions. What is a home-based professional to do about all of these interruptions – the emails, phone calls, and even mail and package deliveries that seem like small things but can really eat into your … Continue reading

Thoughts on Working on Labor Day

Today I noticed that one of my fellow bloggers, Richele McFarlin, wrote about the topic of Labor Day. I’ll be working a little bit this Labor Day just like Richelle, and I am sure that we won’t be the only home-based professionals spending at least some of the day working. I really do not mind working on Labor Day because there are no family barbecues, parties, or other events beckoning to me to come away from my desk. If there were, it might be a little harder to stay on task. The main reason that I will be working on … Continue reading

Labor Day Weekend Deals – 2011

Labor Day weekend is a great time to relax, and to spend time with your family. It is also the perfect time to do some shopping, and catch those Labor Day Weekend sales! These sales usually start the Friday before the holiday, and continue until the stores close on Monday. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be able get time off of work this Labor Day weekend. There will be plenty of people who work at retail jobs who will be scheduled to work the entire three day weekend. As someone who used to be one of those unfortunate people, … Continue reading

Daddy During Labor

If you’re interested in feeling completely useless, Dad-to-be, get excited about labor. My wife recently gave birth to our first child (a boy to make a father proud) and I must say that I felt entirely useless. Even before he was born I had asked the midwife if she would obtain some hot water for me to make some tea because I was so exhausted I was falling asleep. Wait a minute (Finger wagging!) you didn’t DO ANYTHING! Your wife was in labor, in real pain, doing real work. Well, that’s true. My wife was in pain for a number … Continue reading

Quick and Easy Holiday Appetizers

If you are hosting a holiday party there’s no reason to make it harder on yourself by making dozens of elaborate dishes. These quick and easy appetizers are just as mouthwatering as fancier munchies. What’s more, they can be made in advance and kept in the refrigerator until party time. Happy snacking and happy holidays! ITALIAN CHEESE AND PESTO PARTY TORTE Ingredients: 2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened 2 to 3 cloves garlic, minced 10 slices Provolone cheese 8 ounces pesto 3 ounces sun-dried tomatoes, chopped fine Fresh basil leaves, for garnish Directions: Mix cream cheese and garlic; … Continue reading

What Kids Need to be Happy

In many ways our kids aren’t that much different from us. They enjoy doing some of the same silly stuff we did as kids. I realized this yesterday while I was washing my car. Tyler was standing on the sidewalk looking down the street intently. I wondered what he was doing but only for a split second because with Tyler you never know what he’s up to. My street is only one block long so there’s not a lot of traffic and even less since Katrina. When we’re at the house Tyler likes to run to the end of the … Continue reading