Do You Play Games with Your Spouse?

I seem to have developed an affinity for coming up with potentially misleading titles this week. A couple of days ago I wrote Change Your Bedding, Change Your Sex Life, which could have been construed to mean I was implying something more simple than what I really was. Now this title could be taken to mean I wonder if you play mind games with your spouse. That might make for an interesting topic one day, but today’s not that day. I’m actually talking about real games. Fun games. Board games, card games, video games, etc. Games Couples Play I’m more … Continue reading

A New Trend: Couples Showers

A baby showers for couples is a fast growing new trend. These showers differ from the typical baby shower in that men are invited as well as women. When we were invited to our first couples shower, my husband said, “Since when do men go to baby showers?” He was very unsure about the idea, but ended up having a good time. When planning a couples shower, be sure to include the information on the invitation. Many people still assume that showers are for women only. You’ll need to specify that the men are invited too on the invitation. Choose … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for Jan 13-19

Good morning, welcome to the weekend’s marriage blog week in review, our way of trying to catch you up on the blogs you may have missed this week. For starters, in case you may have missed it, a new blogger has joined Sherry and I here as a regular Marriage blogger and she brings with her expertise in marriage therapy as well as in her own unique perspective. So be sure to check out Elizabeth Kane’s blog as you review this week’s entries. Saturday, January 13 Marriage: Mountains and Molehills confronts an issue that while we’re all prone to exaggerating, … Continue reading

Marriage Exercises: Want to Play A Game?

Do you and your spouse enjoy playing board games? Maybe you like card games? It’s a sure bet that you like to do things together and if any or all of these things are true – then the game I have in mind is one that you and your spouse will enjoy. So What’s the Game? Too often we get into trouble in our relationships and our marriages because we’re too focused on the negative. There’s an old truism to the idea that we never forget a slight or an insult, even when we forgive them – we don’t forget … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review October 28-November 3rd

Last Week’s New Jersey Supreme Court ruling played a major ripple effect on our articles for this week and even as we got ready for Halloween and recovered from it, the November elections and vote loomed ahead. Several states will make their decisions on new marriage laws, politicians and more. If that were not enough for you, we have the holidays looming ahead of us and that can have a dramatic impact on our marriages and our family lives. So without further ado, here is our Marriage Blog week in review: Saturday, October 28 In Marriage in the News: I … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: Couples Don’t Have to Discuss Everything

Marriage means you shouldn’t keep secrets, right? So is not keeping secrets – telling each other absolutely everything? Not necessarily. There is a fine line between disclosure and privacy. Every couple has a subject or subjects that are considered taboo. The subjects may be taboo because they have either collectively decided to not discuss them or simply left them untouched. The simple fact is conversation and disclosures are two different things. For example, when you are dating and getting to know each other, you are very likely to share humorous anecdotes and tales of your past. You might talk about … Continue reading

Two by Two

The other night we went over a friend’s house for a party.  I was wondering where we’d all park, because there are 18 people coming, and I didn’t think many of us would carpool.  “We’re all going to be coming two by two,” I said.  I made myself laugh, but it’s true.  When you run in married circles, people tend to go places two by two. I already covered how I resent the idea that Jon and I are attached at the hip.  The group of friends I saw is the same from quiz night.  Most of us go to … Continue reading

Handling Your Child’s Questions About Your Divorce

It’s bound to happen; sooner or later your kids are going to start asking questions about your divorce. It’s only natural. Even if they were very young when the event took place, they are going to have questions about why their family is different than their friend’s. As a parent, this can be scary. Their questions likely don’t have easy answers and it can be hard to decide how to approach such a sensitive topic with them. Remember to keep your answers appropriate for your child’s age and maturity. When they are younger a simple answer such as, “Mommy and … Continue reading

Don’t Do Everything Together

My husband’s kind of a loner. He’s drained by social situations, so if he’s had a long day hanging out with a group of people is the last thing he wants to do. He’s perfectly happy on his own, and if he doesn’t speak to a friend for years he’s totally fine with that. So when he gets together with his friends – all whom live in the area, mind you – two or three times a year to play a tabletop game, I let him be. I’m not terribly interested in the game, though sometimes I think that if … Continue reading

The Parent Precipice

My period was a day late this month. I know that shouldn’t be a big deal at all, but I’m prone to worrying about the littlest things, so yeah, even though the rational part of my brain knew I was overreacting – it was only a day – I couldn’t help but fret. I’d sort of asked for it; a small part in the back of my brain wanted something to go wrong with my pills, so the decision of whether or not to have kids yet would be taken out of my hands. In the first two years or … Continue reading