David Arquette is ‘Feeding America’

Actor David Arquette is known for his roles in films like Scream and Eight Legged Freaks . He’s been a professional wrestling champion (yes, really), started a clothing line with musician Ben Harper (Propr), and married a famous “Friend” (Courtney Cox). Now, he is filling yet another role – as that of the chairman of Feeding America’s Entertainment Council. Feeding America is a charity fighting against domestic hunger. Formerly known as America’s Second Harvest, Feeding America has a nationwide network of over 200 food banks that help provide food for more than 37 million Americans each year. Among those are … Continue reading

Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Smelly Cat

If you were a fan of Friends, you may remember Phoebe’s song called “Smelly Cat”. The lyrics went something like this: Smelly cat, smelly cat… what are they feeding you? Smelly cat, smelly ca-at, it’s not your fault! And hoo boy, did we have some smelly cats at the cats-only boarding facility over the Memorial Day weekend! But just like there are lots of different personalities in our guests, there are lots of different smells. Some cats have food that smells awful. We have one guest (who I adore) who eats the grossest-looking and smelling food. I swear, it looks … Continue reading

Celebrities On Fire Watch

Olivia Newton-John and “Titanic” director James Cameron may soon be sifting through charred remains of their homes if fierce Santa Ana winds don’t shift or die down. The celebrities are just a handful of Malibu residents whose palatial mansions are in the path of a raging wildfire. Hundreds in the area have been forced to evacuate their properties, including the family of country music superstar Tanya Tucker. Other celebs whose Malibu mansions are in danger include Jennifer Aniston, Nick Nolte, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson, Howie Mandel, Jeff Bridges, David Arquette and Courteney Cox, Linda Ronstandt, Goldie Hawn, Mel Gibson, … Continue reading

‘Friends’ Star Seeks Out a Marriage Therapist

I’ve mentioned before that I’m not big on celebrity gossip, but there was a little tidbit that caught my attention when it came down the newswire from United Kingdom. It seems that Courtney Cox (known as Monica Gellar in the series Friends as well as the reporter in the Scream trilogy) has engaged the services of a marriage therapist to help out with her marriage to David Arquette. Apparently, an argument between the couple was caught by the paparazzi during a recent vacation. According to the Yahoo News Report, Cox told Life weekend magazine: “I could see how relationships break … Continue reading