Avoid the Bedtime Battle

Daylight saving time ends in the wee hours of Sunday morning. For many parents, the occasion can be bittersweet. While “falling back” yields an extra hour to spend however you desire, it can also mean extra-tired kids whose bodies don’t acclimate well to time changes. My daughter is a warrior when it comes to bedtime. The kid fights off sleep like a Roman gladiator. She’s Spartacus, sleep is the enemy, and I have to suffer through the nightly battle. Add in the whole turn-your-clocks-back-an-hour business and things can get rough. Fortunately, there are ways you can avoid going to war … Continue reading

For the Good of Others

Each year our family gathers together over the Christmas period. Only twice has our while family not been together. Once was years back when our son and his wife were overseas, and I found that hard. Then this Christmas for the first time ever we did not have our daughter with us on Christmas day. She and her husband are overseas on a short term mission in a third world country. I admit when they first told me what they were thinking of going on mission, I was less than impressed. All I could think of was that our family … Continue reading