Ways to Reduce Stress on Your Marriage at Christmas

Yesterday I looked at some of the pressure on couples during the Christmas season and a couple of suggestions for easing the tension. Here are some other suggestions you might want to consider implementing. Don’t go overboard with gifts. Some people are generous by nature and love to give gifts. I admit I’m a person who loves to buy presents for those I love, so this is something I have to watch. But it can backfire and have a negative effect. The problem with going overboard is twofold. Firstly, it is not helpful if you spend more than you can … Continue reading

How Things Change

How things have changed. When Mick and I were children, Christmas morning meant being up early and the neighborhood abuzz with children playing in the streets with their new bike or scooter or toys. It meant children dashing into each other’s houses to compare Christmas presents and share the excitement. On Christmas morning here, as it has been for many Christmases now, there is not child to be seen in the streets, not a sound of laughter and excitement outside. All Mick and I saw and heard was a disgustingly healthy jogger as he passed. In Christmases past, Christmas morning … Continue reading

It’s Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Wow! Christmas Eve sure arrived fast. I hope everyone is ready. I’m almost there and I’m hoping I haven’t forgotten anything that will land me in a store today. It has been my goal to avoid shopping on Christmas Eve. Are your kids brimming with excitement? I think I am just as filled with anticipation as my children are. I can’t wait to see their faces when they open their gifts tomorrow morning, and I’m sure it will be early in the morning! I think I’ve got everything ready to go, so I should be … Continue reading