Shout It From The Rooftop

When I first started working from home, I was a little sheepish when it came to telling other people what I did for work. Part of that may come from being a full time stay at home mom, because I know that there are many women out there who would like to stay home with their children but are for whatever reason unable to do so. I was a little shy about mentioning that because I don’t want anyone to get the idea that I’m some wealthy, spoiled princess who does not have to work for a living. While it … Continue reading

My Husband is a Daddy

When we learned I was pregnant for the first time, my husband and I talked about our dreams for the future and what we wanted our family to be like. I wanted him to be involved in the raising of our children. I wasn’t interested in having a husband who read the newspaper in the corner while I did all the work—I wanted him playing with the kids, taking them places, and being a part of their lives. I didn’t want my children to just have a father—I wanted them to have a daddy. I’m delighted to say that’s exactly … Continue reading

Movie Review: Gentleman’s Agreement

I love finding correlations to life in all my experiences, be it in overhearing a conversation or watching a movie. Everything can be taken as a lesson, and if we’re willing to look beneath the layers, we learn so much. This was further brought home to me the other night as I sat watching the classic movie “Gentleman’s Agreement” with Gregory Peck and Dorothy McGuire. The premise of the movie in and of itself was thought-provoking: Peck, starring as Skyler Green, is a journalist tasked to write a series on anti-Semitism. He struggles for a time to get the angle … Continue reading

Weird Dreams

Do you have weird dreams when you’re pregnant? I do. I don’t know why, but with both pregnancies, I seemed to sleep deeper and have more vivid dreams than normal. I am a poor sleeper in general. I always have been, so for me to have dreams on a regular basis, and remember them definitely signifies I am having some issues that I need to work out in my sleep. Think about it. When you find out you’re pregnant, there is such an emotional roller coaster. You’re happy one second, and freaking out the next. You don’t know what kind … Continue reading

Loving an Angry Man

I’ll never forget a conversation I had with my husband early in our relationship regarding his anger issues. I was trying to ascertain whether or not he understood the impact his volatile temper had on his personal and professional life. When I realized that he didn’t necessarily consider his anger a negative attribute, I asked him, “How do you figure your temper helps you?” His answer was swift and decisive: “People are afraid of me, so they usually do what I want.” He was a little slower in answering my next question: “And how does it hurt you?” Like most … Continue reading

Privacy vs. Secrecy: How to Foster Intimacy in Your Relationships

Information really is power; how, what, and when to share can have a far-reaching impact on our ability to foster intimacy in our relationships. It is almost a rite of passage, for instance, for a new couple to explore one another’s past—first loves, first kisses, and even the first big heartbreak. These conversations both require and build a significant level of trust, as they reveal how we act and react at our most vulnerable moments. So what does it mean when your partner refuses to share? It can mean many things; the problem, of course, is that we often assume … Continue reading

Can a Job Improve Your Marriage?

Once upon a time over in Pets I wrote about my life as a pets blogger and all the tales I’ve become privy to. People love talking about their fur kids as it is, but when they find out I write about pets? Wow, you should see how much more they open up! Learning I’m also a Marriage blogger doesn’t have quite the same impact. For instance, if someone’s having pet behavior or training problems they ask for my advice. People usually aren’t as eager to admit to problems in their marriages. However, one thing I’ve noticed is what a … Continue reading

Mixing Politics and Marriage

What a crazy race for the Presidency we’ve got going on with Election ’08, eh? This election more than ever it seems I’m noticing the wives and pondering the dynamics that dwell within certain households. For instance… The Clintons Hilary Clinton’s first to mind for a wife it’s impossible not to notice in this election. Hers might be the most unique situation of the race. (Heck, of many races in a long time.) It certainly is one of the most talked about, analyzed, and poked fun at. Never before has the wife of a former president been a candidate herself. … Continue reading

Reunited and It Feels So…Good? – Learning to Be a Couple Again

After enduring months of separation due to job circumstances, late last November my commuter marriage came to an end. Wayne got back his old job, quit the new one, and came home. It’s been an adjustment ever since. Don’t get me wrong. I’m thrilled he’s home. I’m thrilled I don’t have the hassle of dealing with showings and fretting about doing certain things by myself anymore. (Like hurrying to tidy up any messes when a showing appointment was made.) Basically, I’m just thrilled he’s around to help with certain chores (like walking Murph in the mornings) and we’re back together … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for December 31 – January 6

The New Year has officially begun! But in case you were too busy last week ringing it in (or recovering from ringing it in), here’s your Week in Review so you won’t have to wonder what Lyn and I wrote about. Monday, December 31 Resolving to Make the Best of Marriage in ‘08 My goals for the Marriage Blog in 2008 included accentuating the positive and figuring out which tools to use to have the best marriage possible. Tuesday, January 1 Personality Differences in Relationships Lyn examined how personality differences can sometimes cause marriages to fail, but they don’t have … Continue reading