Getting Their Drivers License

Oh that glorious day when your teenager can finally get a license! As a single parent I looked forward to that day but I dreaded it as well. Having to get up at 5am most mornings made picking Hailey up from her job at that mall at 10pm more than a little inconvenient, I was tired. Then there were the rehearsals for drama club and doing homework at a friends house and a million and one other reasons that she needed to be taxied from point A to point B. I was very glad that our state, Utah, requires kids … Continue reading

“Right Fighters” = Marriage Saboteurs

Yesterday I talked about how, among other things, the season for fighting is upon us. I also ended the article saying I’d examine some ways to fight fairly to ensure any fights you might have this holiday season are good ones, not just big ones –or, more importantly, rehashed ones. I’m actually going to start off by telling you a way not to fight. It has to do with the following quote and an article I wrote several months back about “Right Fighters”, a term I picked up from Dr. Phil. Attachment to being right creates suffering. When you have … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review November 18-24

Welcome to the weekend and the end of the Thanksgiving week and the start of the holiday madness. Yesterday got us all of to a rousing start. For those of you who dived into the Black Friday shopping craziness, I feel your pain – I was out there too. In the meanwhile, this was a busy week in the Marriage blog with guest blogger Valorie Delp paying us a visit as well, if you didn’t get a chance to check out her blogs, I encourage you to do so, she’s a great writer and brings her own unique perspective into … Continue reading

Do You Fight Before, During, or After Holidays?

We all have triggers in our relationships that set off disagreements. For some people it’s working late or going out with friends, and for others it’s holidays, or at least holidays seem to be a problem. It may have more to do with the fact that holidays can become stressful, than the holidays themselves. For example, one spouse may feel resentful if he or she has more responsibility for planning and executing holiday get-togethers. Another person may begin to dislike the holidays because he or she is uncomfortable watching the other person become the life of the holiday party while … Continue reading

Little People in the Big Apple: Central Park Zoo and FAO Schwartz

I had intended to write more about taking small children around in New York City but we were so busy. . .taking small children around. . .that I hadn’t quite gotten to it until now! In any case, my timing is good, because the holidays are upon us and that is an absolutely fantastic time to see New York City! If you have little travelers and you are visiting New York City soon. . .read on! I am giving you the insider’s scoop of not only the places to go. . .but where the nearest bathrooms are, the scoop on … Continue reading