Zylie the Bear Sends the Right Message

She is 12 years old, adventurous, curious, stylish, brave, and she’s a bear! Zylie the Bear is like the American Girl of bears. Mary Beth Minton and her son, Matt, created Zylie to give children a play experience that is not only fantastic but educational. In a world where toys are plastic and steal the imaginations of children with fixed ideas, Zylie and her friend Shen the Panda are a breath of fresh air. Quality toys that inspire imagination, spark curiosity about the world around the child, and will forever live in a child’s mind and heart is rare thing. … Continue reading

Why Are More Women Walking Out?

More and more women are walking out of marriages than ever before. According to statistics 68 percent of divorces are instigated by women. This has not always been the case. What has caused the change? These days women are better educated and many women have either not given up work for any length of time or have gone back into the work force once the children have grown a little, and are at school. As a result, more women appear more confident and are more used to looking after themselves financially. In many marriages it is a case of his … Continue reading

Can You Wait Until Tomorrow to Give Your Spouse Their Gifts?

I can’t. I always want to exchange gifts on Christmas Eve but Wayne always makes me wait until Christmas morning. It’s not because I can’t wait to see what I got. That’s not it at all. No, I’m always anxious to give Wayne his presents tonight because it’s torture keeping any kind of secrets from him. Normally I tell him everything and enjoy sharing what I bought for who. Having to keep secret what I bought for him for any length of time just kills me! In Couples and Christmastime Traditions, Families.com family member JadeWalker explained how she and her … Continue reading

Do You Buy a Joint Christmas Gift?

Christmas is a very happy and jolly time for families and couples. I love the excitement in the air and the decorations around the town. I even enjoy doing my Christmas shopping during the last few days. However once you have been married for several years, especially if you have children, Christmas shopping and gift opening can turn more to others than you and your mate. After being married for a few years, many couples decide to buy joint a Christmas present. In other words, they do not get each other a Christmas present. Instead they choose to make a … Continue reading

Christmas Shopping for Your Mate

Buying a gift for a loved one can be tricky, time consuming, and complicated. In most cases, spouses want to buy a gift that their mates will enjoy and like. However, in some situations mates buy gifts just to satisfy the responsiblity of giving a gift. Some men are very in touch with the thoughts and ideas of their wives. They know what size clothing and shoes their wives wear and they know her likes and dislikes. They know her favorite stores and how to give her the surprise of a lifetime. These men usually have no trouble shopping and … Continue reading

Black Friday’s Sweet Potato and Beef Stew

I know some people avoid going to the malls on Black Friday because it’s crowded. But apparently, there are a whole bunch of bargain seekers who do not feel the same because if they did, the malls wouldn’t be crowded. I love going shopping on Black Friday. In one fell swoop I get all the Christmas shopping done. That’s 12 kids (that includes my own as well as nieces and nephews), my husband, my mom, and my in-laws. Very rarely do I have to go shopping beyond Black Friday. Yep, I’m one of those route planning, get-up-at-the-crack-of-dawn type people. But … Continue reading

Frugal and Creative Gift Wrap Ideas

‘Tis the season to start thinking about holiday gifts. Have you noticed that gift wrap is getting pretty elaborate and expensive? My son brought home a school fundraiser that featured gift wrap for $12 a roll! And the stores aren’t too much better these days. But why spend so much on wrapping the presents? Use that money instead to buy bigger presents or to save toward other holiday bills. Here are some frugal and creative ways to save on gift wrap, but still provide gift wrap that has impact. The secret to great gift wrapping is to let your imagination … Continue reading

Marriage Week in Review: November 5- November 11

The marriage topics discussed this week have brought in both the comments and the viewers. Courtney and I work hard to bring you topics of interest and fun. Monday, November 5 The Amazing Race and Your Marriage In this article, Courtney compares marriage to the television show The Amazing Race. She discusses what we can learn from watching others. She also found out that she and Wayne are not alone in their actions. Is Your Marriage All about the Children? After children it is easy to lose focus of being husband and wife and begin only to be parents. However … Continue reading

Abandon the Pumpkin Pie: A Pumpkin Torte

I mentioned in another blog that I’m not a fan of pumpkin pie. I rarely cook my own Thanksgiving dinner thanks to the in laws but I do end up baking a lot during the holiday season. Consequently, I have quite a collection of desserts that are perfect for Thanksgiving, but move beyond the pumpkin pie. This dessert will have people oohing and aahing over your dessert table because it looks so elegant. It is elegant, but it’s not that hard to put together. Since it’s made from a yellow cake mix, this is one dessert that will make you … Continue reading