Do Men Want Servant Wives?

Thanks to my husband and some of my friends, I can now be seen quite a lot on Facebook. It has been a great way to find old friends and relatives, keep in touch with my new friends, and I think that I am positively addicted tot he casual game Bejeweled Blitz. One aspect if Facebook that seems to be popular are the quizzes, especially the “What kind of something are you?” quizzes. People are finding out everything from what kind of friend they are to what kind of horror movie character they are most like. I think I even … Continue reading

In the News: Is Warren Jeff’s Holding other Men’s Wives Hostage?

Wendell Musser was once a good and faithful servant to the “prophet” Warren Jeffs. Unfortunately, while running from safe house to safe house, playing caretaker for eight or nine of Jeffs’ wives, Musser got pulled over and the police questioned him extensively about Jeffs’ whereabouts. He didn’t tell them anything, but it was enough to anger Jeffs. Musser waited a few days to return to the current safe house, to ensure that he was not followed there, but upon his return he found that everyone had moved out. All of the wives were gone –including his own- and his son. … Continue reading

Fun With Genealogy Words

It has been a while since I have learned any new genealogy terms. I love words, and genealogy is a source of a great many unfamiliar words. This is partly because some of the words that you can come across in genealogy research are words that have fallen out of common usage. Think about it. When was the last time that you heard anyone talk about someone being exheres? It still happens, though, people are disinherited every day. Did you know that back in the day, wives and housewives were not simply referred to as “wife”. They were honored with … Continue reading

A Radical View of Marriage?

Recently Mary Ann expressed concern about the idea of servant wives. I’d like to suggest we should be servant wives for our husbands, but also that our husbands be servant husbands for their wives. Now I admit my view of marriage is closely influenced by the biblical view of marriage. It is one that often causes controversy because it says ‘wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord,’ Ephesians 5:22. The word ‘submit’ just about causes an apoplexy in some people. ‘Submit? Me? You’re joking? What about my rights?” These are the types of comments it inspires. And yes, … Continue reading

What About the Pastor’s Wife?

People vary in their opinions of what a Pastor’s wife should and should not do in the church. Many people feel that she should be heavily involved in the women’s ministries in the church. Some go so far as to expect her to coordinate the nursery, the kitchen and the mission’s closet. I, however, have a different view of the role of the Pastor’s wife. I believe it is unfair for church members to have their own job description for the Pastor’s wife for several reasons: 1. The Pastor’s wife is not an employee of the church. Though she may … Continue reading

The Proverbs 31 Woman: The Virtuous Wife

A friend of mine did a Bible study on the Proverbs 31 woman where she was asked to apply the scripture to her own life. As per her suggestion, I too would like to do this. I would also like to encourage other woman to look at the example set forth in the Bible of The Virtuous Wife and apply it to your lives as well: The Virtuous Wife 10 Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. 11 The heart of her husband safely trusts her; So he will have no lack of gain. … Continue reading