Book Review: Her Best Catch by Lindi Peterson

I recently had the chance to read “Her Best Catch,” a Christian romance by Lindi Peterson and published by Bell Bridge Books. I enjoyed the story quite a bit. Our main character is Allison Doll, a woman who’s not quite thirty and has all but given up on romance. She’s an auditor by profession, a devoted Christian, and she lives with her mother and grandmother, seeking to support and comfort them after the tragic death of her father. Each of these women is seeking comfort in a different way, and Allison finds her greatest strength in her religious beliefs. When … Continue reading

What To Teach Your Children About Marriage

What should you be teaching your children about marriage? What is the best way to go about teaching them are two questions to look at. Here are some things I believe we should be teaching our children about marriage. Marriage is not something that should be entered into lightly. Marriage between a man and a woman is a lifetime commitment not just until you get tires of the person or bored or it becomes too hard. Marriage is not for the faint hearted. It needs time, effort selflessness and work to make a great marriage. Don’t go into it thinking … Continue reading

Too Agreeable in a Marriage?

Can you be too agreeable in a marriage? I’m inclined to think you can and it sets up a recipe for boredom. Yes, it’s great to be in sync with your spouse and agree on most things or even some things. It’s especially important to be in agreement on the major issues, like raising children, discipline, core values, beliefs, family issues, finances, etc. It makes for a harmonious marriage. So does having common interests. But it’s not helpful to agree on every opinion and every interest. The person, who never has an opinion or makes a decision of their own, … Continue reading

Should Marriage Preparation Classes Be Compulsory?

Given the sad state or marriages and the number of marriages that are ending in divorce, should marriage preparation classes be compulsory for all couples? Instead of waiting till couples are experiencing problems in their marriages and then trying to fix them, should we try and nip it in the bud before they marry? Sometimes it seems that people need to think seriously about what they’re doing and what marriage entails, rather than just being swept along by a wave of emotion. Love is not enough in marriage. Love alone, will not get you through the tough times, the economic … Continue reading

Causes of Marriage Break Ups

Opposites attract but only up to a point. According to Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott,one of the main reasons many couples break up is that they have not enough in common. This can happen early in a marriage or even sometimes, as it seems recently in growing numbers, after the children have moved out of home. Couples find they have nothing in common. Nothing left to talk about. A solution to this might be to take up a hobby or sport together. Before I broke my arm which has out me put of action for months, Mick and I played … Continue reading

Opposites, But Not

Recently, Lyn wrote an article about opposites attracting and wondered if they can live happily ever after. She pointed out the challenges that such a pairing can create. But not all is as it seems in the world of opposites… We All Have Our Differences To some extent, every relationship has opposite qualities. Some are just more obvious than others. A true opposites attracting match that comes to mind is Dharma & Greg. I wasn’t a big fan of the show when it was on, but I watched it every now and then. She was a free spirited, fun loving, … Continue reading

Family Matters: Marriage Thicker Than Blood?

How devoted are you to your partner really? Devoted enough that if, for whatever reason, you had to choose between your husband/wife and your own family you’d choose your spouse? “Why on earth would I have to choose between the two, Courtney?” you may be wondering. “Surely nothing could be that bad it couldn’t be worked out.” Sadly, sometimes things are that bad. Sometimes things just can’t be worked out. For instance, sometimes a parent opposes a match so fiercely they throw down an ultimatum: marry him/her and I’ll never speak to you again. When my mom was living with … Continue reading

Teacher Values in the Classroom

Teachers today must be very careful about their words and actions in the classroom. Their personal opinions and thoughts are often not welcomed like they once were. Teachers can no longer speak of political or religious beliefs. Prayers and even pledges are not part of the daily routine as they had been before. While you may not be able to go out and preach or politic with your students, your values and morals do still play a part in your teaching. Think about what it is that you really want to teach the children. If you are a math teacher … Continue reading

We Share Our Belief System Through Praise and Discipline

Values and beliefs are not just taught through lectures and organized lessons. In fact, I would argue that is one of the least effective ways to teach our children what we value and believe in as parents. We pass along our belief systems through the things we praise and encourage and the boundaries we set and the type of discipline we choose to use (and what we discipline our children for.) Do you value winning? Participation? Getting along with other? Academics? Risk-taking? Physical strength? Chances are your child can tell you what is important to you based on the things … Continue reading

Marriage Types: Later Life

So far we have discussed covenant marriages, second marriages, and polygamous marriages. It is amazing how many different types of relationship bonds couples can have. Even traditional marriages can come in various forms. Couples marry at all different stages in their lives and for all different reasons. Some couples marry later in their lives. There are several different reasons why a person may put marriage on hold during what most consider to be the common marrying years. Some couples do not marry until they are in their late 30s or 40s. Some people wish to get married before this age … Continue reading