Dilemmas: Friends and Inappropriate Behaviors, Part 2

In Part 1, I wrote about some sticky situations friends might put us in (knowingly or unknowingly). Ones that can cause dilemmas when deciding how to handle them. I promised my answers for what I would do, so here they are. If a Friend Knew My Husband Was Cheating Ideally, I’d like to have my spouse make the confession. So if my husband was cheating and a friend knew, I’d like the friend to confront Wayne and encourage him to tell me. But if that didn’t happen, I’d want my friend to show me irrefutable proof. I would be the … Continue reading

Dilemmas: Friends and Inappropriate Behavior

Once upon a time, that reader known as Jade “The Muse” Walker sent me a link to a story about someone’s friend having an affair. The friend’s dilemma: should she tell her friend’s husband about it or not? In addition to asking what I would do, Jade posed another interesting question. “If the situation was reversed, would you want to know?” Sticky Situations Because Jade sent this back when my mom had just moved in with us, I don’t recall everything the article said. (Lots has happened since then and the link is now inactive. I couldn’t reread the article … Continue reading

When a Friend Hits on You

It is so exciting to have Courtney back writing! It is great fun for the two of us to get to relate to the articles and comments of one another. Recently Courtney has been discussing the sticky situations that friends can get into when they begin discussing relationships. She talks of telling friends that husbands are cheating and how to handle it when a friend’s husband flirts. I would like to take this situation into a little different direction. What happens when it is one of you and your mate’s mutual friends that flirts with you or propositions you with … Continue reading