Does Your Spouse Get Your Time?

One of the things couples fail to realize is that many marriage problems stem from a lack of time. You see, it takes quality time to nurture a relationship. If you are spending more time at your job or with your kids, then your marriage is bound to suffer. Now don’t get me wrong, different seasons in life require more attention than others. For instance, when my children were young they naturally required more of my time and attention. But even then, it didn’t necessarily mean my husband only deserved the leftovers. Time can’t always be measured in quantity. It … Continue reading

Losing Your Identity

Have you ever heard someone speak against marriage because they didn’t want to “lose their identity?” I have to say that I think this is a valid concern for anyone considering a walk down the aisle. I totally believe in the biblical concept that the “two shall become one.” I think your lives must become so intertwined that it is no longer only about you. Now you have to consider someone else’s thoughts and feelings before making decisions. Two become one in making financial decisions, raising the children, and so on. But that doesn’t mean you should lose your identity. … Continue reading

What Women Do Better

Maybe you have seen the recent headline that women do many things better than men. Is that true? Well several studies have apparently come up with 12 things that women do better than men. Take a look and see what you think: We are cleaner We interview better We evolve hotter (which means we are getting better looking while men are staying the same) We are more likely to survive a car accident We are better at talking through our problems (seeking comfort) We are less likely to lose our job during a recession We are more likely to graduate … Continue reading

Appreciate Your Differences

Do you appreciate the differences between you and your spouse? Or do you find them to be more of an aggravation? It’s funny how when you first meet someone, those differences can be endearing but over time, they can become frustrating. Sometimes I have to catch myself falling prey to this. I can look at the differences between us and feel like he needs to change. But in reality, it is who he is. And just as I expect him to accept me, I need to do the same. Take the way we respond to stress. It is very different. … Continue reading

Balancing Each Other Out

They say that opposites attract and while I do believe that is mostly true, I also think that what this brings to a marriage is balance. Imagine if your spouse were EXACTLY like you. I don’t know about you but for me that is kind of a scary thought. My husband and I have very different personalities. He is much quieter, not as prone to speak up about things. Me, on the other hand, I have no problem offering my opinion. He is more laidback and I can be high-strung. The way I look at this is if we were … Continue reading

It’s Complicated

Depending on how you look at it, one of the interesting features of Facebook is learning what someone’s relationship status is. This can be a good thing when you want to tell the world that you are in a relationship. But then it can come back to haunt you when everyone finds out that you are now single again. But there is another category that I always chuckle at when I see it as someone’s relationship status, “It’s Complicated.” That right there is a red flag. If you think about it, though, relationships can be complicated. Even if you are … Continue reading

Preparing for the Battle, Gearing Up for the War

When my children were younger, I really thought I knew how I was going to parent them as teenagers. I observed other parents and saw much of what I thought was “wrong.” Sure, I saw some good examples but I was convinced that parenting with strictness was the only way to go. Well let me tell you something, most of what I thought when they were younger has completely gone out the window. And even though my children will probably still tell you that I am “strict,” they have no idea what it could have been. If I had decided … Continue reading

Models of Marriage

Whether we are aware of it or not we see models of marriage every day all around us. Whether consciously or sub consciously we and our children are absorbing input about the models of marriage we see presented to us. We see models of marriage in the celebrity world. We see models of marriage in the news, like those in the blogs of the last few days. It might be models of marriage of friends or people we know. We might read self help books and tips by experts that tell us how to improve our marriage. Or perhaps we … Continue reading

Book Review: Parenting Isn’t For Cowards

Being a parent today is tough, no one would deny that. Being a good parent is harder still. We want to do the right thing but many times we are unsure of exactly what the right thing is. In his book, Parenting Isn’t For Cowards , Dr. James Dobson talks about the challenges of being a good parent. He first points out that babies come to us with no instructions and we pretty much have to assemble them on our own. There are no guaranteed formulas that work for everyone, it’s pretty much a case of trial and error. Dr. … Continue reading

The Pursuit of Intelligence

I was at the mall the other day and at this time of year, our mall has a lot of different gazebos set up. Each gazebo is selling some kind of new ware. At one booth you can get a manicure kit (for only $50) that has salt from the dead sea. Why you’d want to put dead sea salt on your finger nails I don’t know. At another one was a bunch of 3-D puzzles and yet another was selling a parental control unit for the television. The staff at these “gazebos” are. . .to say the least. . … Continue reading