In the Blink of an Eye

Tonight as I was getting Logan ready for bed he asked if he could see the video of him in my tummy. As I sat watching that little boy wriggling around in my belly I couldn’t help but feel a little sad. Where has the time gone? That precious little baby is turning four this month! How did this happen? He is growing up so fast; I just want to savor every second. So often as single parents we get caught up in the never-ending list of things to do, that we forget to lay the stress aside and just … Continue reading

Do You Know How to Cook or Do You Just Fake It?

Are you one of those lucky people who can cook without ever needing a recipe? Can you taste the subtle spices in a dish and recreate it? Lucky you, I can barely cook with a recipe and when I get inventive with that recipe it never turns out well. I think one of the most important things you need when living on your own is a good cookbook, I have several. I’ve been looking for the simplest for Hailey, one that will basically tell her how to boil water because if it can’t be microwaved she has no idea what … Continue reading

Celebrate the Season

Tomorrow marks the one–week anniversary of Fall 2011. Time to par-tay! My college roommate was constantly looking for a reason to host weekend get-togethers, and her autumn harvest parties were legendary on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. I thought about her seasonal shindigs last Friday when we officially ushered in the fall season. My former roommate now lives in Arizona, so I don’t get to partake in her annual autumn celebrations as much as I did when I was a college co-ed. However, the first day of fall is not the only time you can have fun fêting the season. … Continue reading

The Man Called “Dad”

Forget about the flailing economy, the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, and other international and domestic upheavals, according to President Barack Obama, being a father to his two young daughters is one of his toughest jobs… but also the most rewarding. In honor of Father’s Day, the president devoted his Saturday radio and Internet address to fatherhood, and didn’t shy away from speaking about his own perceived failings as dad to daughters Malia, 12, and Sasha, 10. Obama also spoke about growing up without his own father. “I felt his absence. And I wonder what my life would have … Continue reading

Don’t Water Away Your Money

When our rent bill came last month, I was startled to see that it was over a hundred dollars more than we usually pay. I read down the itemized list to see what on earth had happened, and saw that the water portion of the bill was through the roof. We had been watering the lawn, but my husband had been overseeing that particular chore, and I didn’t know how much he’d been using. When he came home that night, he explained he’d been doing quite a lot of watering, but after seeing the bill, he said he would cut … Continue reading

Green Cleaning the Norwex Way

When it comes to living green I will be honest, I am more about saving money than anything else. About a month ago I attended a women’s event that featured two workshop speakers. The first workshop was about cleaning. As soon as I heard that word and saw her display of bottles and cloths, I started to tune her out. If there is one area in my life that I have never been willing to change it’s my cleaning routine. I like my chemicals! Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with natural or healthier ways to clean. … Continue reading

Caretakers and the Flu

Who is the caretaker in your family when somebody gets sick? When I was growing up, taking care of sick kids was my mom’s job (although she did share the duties with both of my grandmothers on occasion). With the double flu whammy this winter, you may find your family needing a caretaker. It’s all too easy for the flu (or another illness) to hop from one member of a household to another! Here are some tips to help keep the flu in check if somebody in your family gets sick. First and foremost, try to keep the sick person … Continue reading

For a Good Marriage, Avoid the Story Telling

Your mother-in-law made a nasty comment and your husband didn’t step in to say something. Or, he forgot to fix the garage door again. You are just so annoyed. So when your best friend calls, you are ready to vent. But when venting turns into story telling, you may be harming your marriage. Here is why. We all tend to do it. You start out complaining about one thing, and before you know it, the story has evolved with details about every single way that your spouse needs to step up and change. Soon a long list of faults emerges … Continue reading

Is There a Right Way to Load the Dishwasher?

It seems it’s been eons ago now that Jade sent me a link to an article with the subject line “housework issues.” It directed me to an article entitled “Don’t let the dishwasher ruin your marriage.” It was about a woman who’s given up loading the dishwasher because, as she put it, “No matter how I load it, my husband comes after me and reloads it.” I didn’t have a chance to write about it then. (It was around the time my mom moved in with us.) Also, housework is one of those subjects that seemed to be covered pretty … Continue reading

“The Baby Borrowers” Shows How Children Affect Marriages

As I wrote about in another article discussing reality TV shows, I’m nuts for a lot of them. Another show I’ve been watching with some interest this summer is “The Baby Borrowers”. “It’s not just television, it’s birth control.” I may not have that tagline exactly correct, but it’s close. A quick synopsis in case you haven’t been watching: five sets of teenagers who are ready to become parents have agreed to become guinea pigs. Every three days they’re given a new batch of kids to “parent.” It started out with babies, went to toddlers, then pre-teens, then teens, and … Continue reading