Hand Your Anxiety to a Higher Power

All of the work we do at The Center for Counseling and Health Resources is based on a whole-person approach to treatment and recovery from anxiety and depression. This includes attention paid to the physical, mental, emotional and relational aspects of self, as well as the spiritual side, as referenced in the following excerpt from my book Overcoming Anxiety, Worry and Fear: Practical Ways to Find Peace. Anxieties have a way of lying to us about what is valuable and what is not. If you find you’re confused and need some guidance breaking out of anxiety’s black-and-white-world, if you find … Continue reading

Express Yourself

Enjoying your Saturday? Great! I am too. We got the lawn mowed, I’ve got some weeding to do and I need to go and find something that will help me eliminate the worries of crab grass – my very much nemesis. My husband and I got into this great debate, however, while we were doing our yard work and the debate began a little on the snippy side – but actually became pretty ribald at the end. Now I am not going to bore you with the details, but here are some of the conclusions we came to. What Came … Continue reading

Declare Your Devotion

I have been talking about intimacy a great deal and how communication and constant checks and rechecks are a part of maintaining your intimacy with your spouse. Another facet of maintaining intimacy is declaring your devotion. Over and over and over again. For example, I kept track one day out of sheer curiosity – my daughter said “I love you” to me 28 times in one day. That’s more than twice per hour when you consider she’s only awake for about 12 hours of the day. She declares her love on a regular and consistent basis. I understand her need … Continue reading

Adopt a Less-Adoptable Pet Day: August 12

Petfinder.com has declared August 12th “Adopt a Less-Adoptable Pet Day”. For all the overlooked pets in shelters, this day’s for you! What constitutes a “less-adoptable” pet? Petfinder asked their member shelters which pets were the hardest to place. 30% of responders had the hardest time finding homes for senior pets 15% of shelters had a difficult time adopting out pets with health issues 13% of Petfinder shelters had problems with breed prejudices (and many shelters mentioned pit bulls specifically as being hard to adopt because of breed prejudice) 10% of responders had difficulty placing pets who need to be the … Continue reading

Who Needs Affirmations and Encouraging More?

Do husbands need more reassurance, affirmation and encouragement than wives do? I’d be interested to hear what others think about this. Author and illustrator Graeme Base revealed in his interview on Talking Heads, how he was far more in need of praise and affirmations than his wife Robyn who is also a creative artist. His assessment of his wife was that she was much more independent and did not need to rely on input from him as much. He, on the other hand needed conformation from her about his work. It made me wonder if this is a personality difference … Continue reading

Practical Lessons from Hezekiah

If you want practical lessons about life, look at the example of Hezekiah.One of the first facts we learn about Hezekiah is that, ‘He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord,’ 2 Chronicles 29:2. At the beginning of his reign, he re-opened the temple and restored worship of the Lord. He recognized that the unfaithfulness of Israel and the way they had turned their backs on the Lord, had caused evil to come to them, 2 Chronicles 29:6-9. Hezekiah decreed that he intended making a covenant with God. He called the people to consecrate themselves. Hezekiah then … Continue reading

The Names of God–An Introduction

Like most parents we took great care in naming our children. We picked names that were meaningful and had stories to tell. Elizabeth Helen, my oldest is named after my grandmother. Her name means “a light consecrated to God.” Interestingly, she has already declared her desire to be a missionary and is active in our evangelistic outreaches within our neighborhood. For each of my kids there is a story to their name; something that has meaning for my husband and I and that will have meaning for them when they’re old enough to understand it. Likewise throughout the Bible names … Continue reading

Thoughtfulness – Or the Lack Thereof

There is an amazing thing that happens in some marriages and when you notice it in your own, you may find yourself at a loss for words. But the truth is, loss for words or not, it’s important to address the situation for what it is. Now that I’ve done all that build up, what am I talking about? I’m talking about the thoughtfulness that we demonstrate to our friends, coworkers and neighbors that we seem to forget when we walk in our front doors. This can actually be a problem that creeps up in your marriage. It’s not one … Continue reading