Dealing With Jealousy – part 3

Over the last two days we’ve looked at reasons for jealousy. A third reason people are often jealous of others is because of what they have. If you are jealous of others because of what they own, then I suggest you need to make a list – not necessarily of what you own but of all the blessings God has given you. You will soon see how much you have to be thankful for. I’m a great one for lists and the making of lists which identify blessings God has given me is one I have found particularly helpful. What … Continue reading

Dealing With Jealousy – part 2

Yesterday we looked at some reasons for jealousy. But what of you are jealous of someone’s appearance? If you are jealous of another person because of their appearance, stop and analyze your own good qualities. These may include good cheekbones, a smile that lights up your face, expressive eyes, a good figure, a beautiful head of hair, etc. Whatever your best features are, try and make the best of them and draw attention away from those areas you do not consider to be as attractive. If is because of their appearance you need to realize you are never going to … Continue reading

Dealing with Jealousy – part 1

Yesterday we looked at examples of jealousy in the Bible and the destructive situations jealousy can cause. We only have to look around us on any given day to see jealousy at work in our world, between siblings and family members, work colleagues, neighbors, film and TV stars, sportspeople, the list goes on. We might even struggle with jealousy in our lives. Where does jealousy stem from? It often stems from our own insecurities and lack of self confidence or fear. What is jealousy? According to Webster, the word jealous means “resentful and envious, as of someone’s success, achievements, advantages…” … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for July 7-13

Poor Lyn has been quite the champ while I’ve been away. She took over covering Week in Reviews every week, instead of every other. (Thanks again, Lyn!) But now I’m back to resume my share of the duties. (Albeit I’m a wee bit off schedule this week.) At any rate, here’s a recap of what Lyn, Heather, and I wrote about on: Monday, July 7 Lyn shared more about relating to your man and the importance of it. She also examined issues of compatibility. Tuesday, July 8 Lyn wondered if verbal affairs were just as detrimental as physical ones. Lyn … Continue reading

Dealing with Jealousy

Jealousy can be a big issue in some relationships. Some partners find that they become very controlling and obsessive when in a relationship. Others feel more secure and are comfortable with their mate being around others of the opposite sex. There is a line that can be drawn between being too jealous and too lax in your relationship. While you do not want to put your mate in the old ball and chain, you also want to be able to recognize when something is not right. Jealousy is not always something that can be controlled. Some people, women especially, become … Continue reading

Control Issues & Jealousy

What is a control issue and what does it have to do with marriage? Control issues usually take place in a marriage when one partner or the other or both are feeling jealous, threatened, insecure or possessive. Those negative emotions can spawn a need to control what is happening in their life, even when they have no ability to apply control or to influence the outcome. It can be even worse for their partner as they try to control them as well. Loss of Control Control issues and jealousy do not always go hand in hand, but if you’ve ever … Continue reading

Marriage Tips: Jealousy is Not a Positive Sign in a Relationship

When we think of someone getting jealous, we think that it means they must really care about us. Jealousy is not a positive sign in a relationship though because jealousy is a very negative emotion. The idea that you can test someone’s love for you by flirting with another person and that how your spouse reacts is an indicator of their love is not only faulty, it’s dangerous. Jealousy has its roots low self-esteem and fear. People are more likely to be jealous when they don’t believe they are lovable or that they are not worthy of being loved. They … Continue reading

Relationship Dynamics: Avoid Jealousy

Jealousy is perhaps one of the most unattractive feelings a person can experience. You may think it’s one of the worst things that can happen to a relationship, but it happens to a person before it happens to a relationship. When the green-eyed monster affects a person it can change their behavior, triggering a nasty attitude and unkind words. Snippy comments can become vile and jealousy itself can alter perceptions of the person experiencing it. Suddenly, everything a spouse does can be seen as suspicious. Even the most normal of behaviors, things that would not be seen as out of … Continue reading

Children’s Books on Diversity and Feelings

My last blog and the one before that highlighted books showing diverse families such as adoptive, interracial, stepparent, single parent, multigenerational. This blog will spotlight books that: * look at diversity of abilities and disabilities as well as looks *help kids deal with diverse feelings I’ve recommended before—but can’t recommend highly enough—the Sesame Street book We’re Different, We’re the Same. Using Sesame’s Street’s trademark mixture of all kinds of people, animals, and friendly monsters, as well as kids’ favorite character Elmo as cameraman (camera-monster?), the book shows pictures of all different types of noses, eyes, skin color, body size and … Continue reading

In a Seemingly Hopeless Situation?

Have you ever felt you are in a seemingly hopeless situation? I’m sure that’s how Martha and Mary felt too. By the time Jesus arrived Lazarus had been four days in the tomb. If ever there was a seemingly hopeless situations this was it. Martha believed if Jesus had been there this would not have happened. There is an element of accusation in her words, John 11:21. It is followed by an affirmation of faith, verse 22. Jesus encourages that faith, bringing it to a higher lever, verses 25-27. Mary’s response is similar to that of Martha, verse 32. Jesus … Continue reading