Why Take Dating Advice from this “Bachelor”?

Recently I caught part of an episode of Dr. Phil where he had some handsome guy as a guest trying to advise women how not to be in order to get the man of their dreams. I remembered part of the title of the book because it was sort of catchy, Don’t Be That Girl, but I wasn’t very impressed with the guy or his advice. I ended up turning off the show (a) because I had something else I needed to do, and (b) because I was thinking, “Yeah, you’re a good looking guy and I’m sure you’ve had … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review – November 4 –10

It’s been a busy and exciting week here in the Marriage blog. There was a national election on Tuesday that saw 7 states accept constitutional amendments to ban gay marriage, while one state – Arizona said no to that ban. If you don’t read my fitness blog, you may not have known that I also quit smoking this week and today marks Day 4 heading into Day 5 and I’ll be writing about how great my spouse has been in supporting this effort next week. In the meanwhile, if you missed any of our key stories this week, here is … Continue reading

Dating: Listen to that Little Voice

We all have a little voice inside that tells us things, usually things we don’t want to hear. When it comes to dating pay attention! That voice is trying to tell you that the guy you think is just too hot is not the right guy for you. On the other hand, it might be telling you men that the ultra-sweet girl you are getting ready to ask out for the second time is not quite as sweet as she seems. People can manage to be on their best behavior during a quick meeting to make plans or even during … Continue reading

Picking From the Wrong Branches

I was talking to a dear, dear friend of mine a few months ago about how frustrated I was with the dating scene post-divorce. I’ve dated my fair share of real winners. It’s become quite disheartening. I was on the verge of losing all hope in the male species when this sweet friend of mine reminded me that I couldn’t blame the tree for producing bad fruit if I was only picking off the dead branches. It was then that I realized I had been picking off the wrong branches all along. I’ve never been a patient woman. It would … Continue reading

Domestic Violence: Don’t Ask; Don’t Tell?

Thankfully, I am not a victim of domestic violence, but a recent experience brought this topic to mind. I had oral surgery, which unfortunately left my face badly swollen and deeply bruised. When I went ventured out to the store in this condition, I saw a few people I know, some casually, some fairly well. I wasn’t really thinking about the condition of my face, until I noticed that some people were avoiding me, and purposely looking away. I don’t know about you, but if I saw an acquaintance who looked like he or she had just lost a prizefight, … Continue reading

Single Doesn’t Have to Mean Lonely

It’s hard to be alone, but there is a difference between being alone and being lonely. Alone can be a good thing, at least sometimes, but lonely is another story. It can be depressing and difficult to see ahead to a future where you won’t always feel that way. It’s a vicious circle really, because the lonelier one feels, the needier he or she tends to become, and neediness is not very attractive. The first thing to do is to make sure you include other people in your life and stay active, even if it means spending time with people … Continue reading

Relationship Advice: You Deserve to Be Happy

A reader recently shared a situation, and closed by asking, “What do I do?” While I could tell people what I think they should do, simply stating what I deem best is not going to resolve the situation; however, I can offer some friendly suggestions that may make it easier to decide how best to proceed. I decided to write this up instead of responding elsewhere, because I hope it may help others in similar situations. Let me start by telling everyone that you deserve to be happy. You’ve heard it before, perhaps numerous times, but don’t just gloss over … Continue reading

Would You Date a Proven Liar?

I’m not going to mention the name of the show, although some of you will likely know the one I’m talking about. I don’t want to name it or link to it, because it doesn’t fit our “rated PG” preferences here. In fact, I ended up turning it off due to the graphic language and content, but I did learn something from the parts I did watch. The show has a person meet with two other people, potential dates, and ask them several questions. What they don’t know is that their responses are being recorded and processed with a lie … Continue reading

Have You Sworn Off Marriage (or other relationships)?

I’ve seen and talked to many people who swear they will never marry or never get married again, or even never have another serious relationship. In doing research for this column, I find entire websites devoted to not getting married or seriously involved. There’s nothing wrong with that, since it is of course a personal decision. However, it is a good idea to examine why you feel that way. For some, having been hurt badly in a previously relationship is enough to make them give up. This is an especially big issue for those who have been hurt many times. … Continue reading

If You Like “Bad Boys” (or Girls) Read This

The dangerous type of guy seems so attractive. His rugged good looks and “who cares?” attitude seem so free and exciting. So, why is it that this is the kind of guy that always ends up breaking your heart? You may be sitting there thinking, “What’s wrong with me?” Well, there is probably not a thing wrong with you, except for the fact that you choose the wrong types of men. Trust me, you’re far from being alone. Many women think that they will find excitement and passion with the daring, devil may care, aloof man that looks so darned … Continue reading