Jump Right In!

The other day at the beach I watched people cautiously approach the water and stick their toes in then jump back muttering,‘It’s cold,’ or ‘It’s freezing,’ or something similar. Those of us already in the water laughed, though I admit it is cold initially. Part of living on the South Coast of New South Wales is that the water seems to take longer to warm up. It’s a matter of getting over the initial reaction and getting in and getting the whole body wet not just up to the ankles. That first minute or two are cold but then you … Continue reading

More Wisdom From Proverbs

Yesterday we looked at Proverbs 30:5-6. Today we’ll look at Proverbs 30:7-9, where the writer asks two things of God. The first is: ‘Keep falsehood and lies far from me.’ This could be read as keep me from telling lies to others. We often want to grade lies. It’s easy to slip into what we term ‘white lies,’ so as not to hurt another person’s feelings, or because we want to please them or make ourselves look good but God makes no distinction. Lies are lies. Proverbs 19:5 says ,’he who pours out lies will not go free.’ The idea … Continue reading

Praying Over Tasks For The Day

In a study my darling husband and I are working through together, called Proverbs and Parables – 16 studies on God’s wisdom for living by Dee Brestin, it suggested a special daily assignment. This was to ‘each morning prayerfully commit to the Lord your work for the day and let Him direct your thoughts. As he brings various activities to mind, list them on paper. Then let Him show you what you should do first, second etc.’ This is an application of Proverbs 16:3 which says ‘Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established.’ This suggestion … Continue reading