Misusing Unemployment Insurance Has Consequences

There are specific rules that define if a person is eligible for unemployment insurance. Ideally, these rules would make it possible for people who truly need this kind of support to receive it, while weeding out those who are not supposed to be getting it. Intentionally misusing unemployment insurance has some very negative consequences. Each state will have their own, specific, qualifications that a person must meet in order to be eligible for unemployment insurance. It is a federally run program, but it also allows each state to have some autonomy about how the program will work within a particular … Continue reading

Consequences of Neglect

Recently I read an article which stated, that according to experts, child neglect can be just as detrimental to a child’s development as physical and sexual abuse. Those are pretty strong words. According to a recent study children of a sampling of 4000 children aged 14 and under, those with repeated history of abuse on average scored lower by 3 IQ points that those children who had not been abused. The sad but interesting thing is children who had been neglected scored equally as poorly as the children who had been abused. So the long term effects of neglect are … Continue reading

Body, Mind and Spirit

Fitness is most often equated with exercise.  But it’s so important that when striving for overall health, we look at not only the body but the mind and spirit as well. I like to think of this as a wheel with three spokes.  One spoke represents the body, one the mind and the other spirit.  When one spoke is broken or missing, everything is thrown off balance. Body is the part where we focus on exercise and eating right.  The type of exercise and eating plan will be different for each person.  It’s going to depend on where you live, … Continue reading

The Trouble with Toys

(If I step on these one more time I’m going to…) Actually, it’s not the toys I have trouble with; it’s the child owner who repeatedly neglects to pick-up said playthings despite various forms of yelling, nagging and threatening. Sound familiar? Then, you too can likely relate to that Febreze commercial where the mom places all of her kids’ stuffed animals in the toy box only to find them strewn back on the floor the instant she turns around. How many times have you seen that ad and thought, “That’s so my life”? Not the possessed toy part; rather, the … Continue reading

Phone Manners Matter

One of my biggest pet peeves is watching a young child beg for his mom or dad’s attention when said parent is talking on a cellphone, and then getting swatted away as though he were a pesky mosquito. Granted, most of the time I view these incidents, my daughter and I are at a park, restaurant or other public place, and I don’t know who is on the other end of the phone call. However, I still don’t think it is appropriate for the parent to walk away from his or her child, as though they weren’t related, just so … Continue reading

Plans Made to Prevent Unemployment Insurance Waste

Both state and federal regulators are taking steps to make improvements in how Unemployment Insurance is distributed. Certain situations are causing a waste of resources to happen. Other situations are allowing for unemployment insurance fraud. Things are about to change. When the economy went bad a few years ago, this caused unprecedented numbers of people to lose their jobs. Most of these people were eligible for unemployment insurance benefits. While the economy has slowly seen some signs of improvement, there are still large amounts of people who have been unable to find work. This has put considerable stress on the … Continue reading

Do You Curse in Front of Your Kids?

How many times have you dropped the F-bomb in front of your children? Do you use the word S*%^ as an adjective? Think about it. I’m not referring to the time when you stepped on a handful of LEGOs with bare feet or took a header into the pavement when you were teaching your 5-year-old to ride without training wheels. I’m talking about regular use of curse words as part of your daily vocabulary. If you routinely use expletives in front of your kids without realizing it, then you might take note of a dad in Philly. A father in … Continue reading

Primary Time: Helping Your Children Grow Spiritually

As parents it is important to realize the responsibility you have towards your children. While many people easily acknowledge and recognize the need to care for the physical and emotional needs of their children, they neglect the spiritual needs. Each child that is a member of your family is a precious gift from Heavenly Father. It is important to take the time to teach our children about Christ and the gospel. This will give your children direction and hope throughout their lives. Of course one of the best ways to do this is through your example. As you go to … Continue reading

Is It Really Substance Abuse?

In When Usage becomes Abusage (see below) we looked at the enormous emotional and financial cost of substance abuse. But how do you know when someone is really abusing rather than using a substance such as tobacco, alcohol or other recreational drugs? How do you know when the person you love is in trouble? Fortunately the American Psychiatric Association lists the criteria for substance abuse in an attempt to better distinguish those who are in control of the drugs in their life and those who have crossed the line. The guidelines are as follows: A. A maladaptive pattern of substance … Continue reading

25 Parenting Tips

Raising kids is harder today than it was just a generation ago. I know it’s a cliché, but sometimes I really don’t know whether I’m coming or going. Do you sometimes feel the same way? Here’s a few tips that I have gathered that might help: (1) Establish weekly together time and do something special with your kids, like going to the movies, taking a walk or going out for ice-cream. (2) It’s okay to ask your kids where they are going and who they are going to be with. You should also make it your duty to know who … Continue reading