Communicating Very Clearly

I’ve read books and watched movies where the husband and wife are so interconnected, she can just glance at him and he knows everything she wants to say. They have grown together in love and in unity, and they can pretty much read each other’s thoughts. I wish I could say that about my own marriage. No, don’t get me wrong – my husband and I are very united, and we become more so every year. We’ve worked on it diligently and I would have to say that we’ve never been as close as we are now, after fifteen years. … Continue reading

Molding Future Adults

Amid the chaos of everyday life, it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture of parenting. Very easy. When you’re in the trenches dealing with your baby’s dirty diapers, your tween’s potty mouth and the host of other excrement that comes with raising children, it’s hard to focus on the fact that you are molding future adults. Well-adjusted, responsible, thoughtful, charitable, productive adults. That’s the goal. The challenge is looking beyond the moment. These moments. The times when it seems easier to give up, give in, or frankly, not give a damn, rather than digging deep to teach your … Continue reading

The Children Discussion

Last week I posted my recent rumination on whether or not I’m ready to have kids. Looking back, I realized that based on the tenor of my article it really belonged more in the parenting or pregnancy blogs. Why? Because it focused on me and my marriage is made up of two people. Today I’ll rectify that by going over what the discussions on the topic have been like for my husband and me. Jon and I didn’t talk about whether or not we wanted kids until we were engaged. Perhaps we should have done so sooner; what if we’d … Continue reading

Connecting Anti-depressants and Autism

You likely heard about the belief that immunizations cause Autism, and if you looked into it at all you would know that the study has been de-bunked and there is no proven connection between the two. While there are still many believers, most scientists have moved on to discover what exactly causes Autism. The general agreement in the scientific community is that there are genetics at play, but since science has been unable to account for a specific genetic factor, they are also searching for environmental links to Autism that may help answer some questions. I personally find the quest … Continue reading

When Someone You Love Won’t Face Their Depression

I have found myself in a difficult situation. I have come to believe that my husband, whom I love dearly, is suffering from depression. He is expressing a lot of common symptoms. He has lost interest in doing things, to the extent that he will sit in front of the TV all day. He doesn’t have any desire to play with our children. He’s moody and sarcastic. He rarely has anything positive to say. He’s irritable. He has little to no patience. He will sneak away any chance he has and nap. He has no desire for sex. Adding to … Continue reading

Sending Mixed Signals

While running errands last night, I stopped at a red light and prepared to turn right. Two teenage girls stood on the sidewalk, anxiously studying the lights. From the way they were standing, it looked as though they were preparing to cross the street in front of me. They would need to wait for the next red light in order for that to happen, so when the light turned green and I prepared to turn, I wasn’t expecting them to head north, directly into my path. I slowed to let them cross, but they both turned and looked at me … Continue reading

Still Fascinating after Fifteen Years

I’m a night owl, and my husband is an early bird. Very often, I’m coming to bed just as he’s getting up. This morning, we sat and talked for about two hours as I wound down from my day and he geared up for his. I kept trying to shut up and go to sleep, but it was just so fun to talk to him without any interruptions that I’m afraid I stayed up a lot longer than I should have. When I finally rolled over to drift off to sleep, I said, “I’m so glad we still find each … Continue reading

A Simple Way To Put Your Best Foot Forward

Some of the things that you can do to make your home-based business more successful take time, effort, money, or a combination of the three. There are other things, however, that take little to no time, effort, or money yet still have a significant impact on the success of your home-based business. One of these “free success tools” is proper spelling. Believe it or not, something as simple as spell-checking and carefully proofreading all of your communications with the outside world can do a lot for your business image. Last week, I had a conversation with my manager about spelling. … Continue reading

The Language of Intimacy

It’s no secret that men and women communicate differently. This applies to their intimate needs just as it does to every other aspect of their lives. Are you and your spouse communicating openly about your desires? A husband may tell his wife she looks beautiful, and to him, that’s a sexual overture. When she replies with, “Thanks, honey,” but doesn’t follow up with additional romantic actions, he feels as though he’s been rejected. She didn’t mean to reject him – she thought she was accepting a compliment. Perhaps she curls up next to him at night and puts her arm … Continue reading

Supernanny Methods Don’t Work for Better Behaved Toddlers

I have blogged a few times on my own experiences with strong willed toddlers and my take on disciplining young children. I could essentially sum up my view in three words: consistency, clarity of expectations and patience. I feel that often times parents own discipline issues stem from their lack of clearly communicating the expectations and then consistently reinforcing the expectations with tangible consequence that, preferably, fit the crime. And of course we all need to be patient–we are after all dealing with toddlers whose tendencies are to test and try boundaries. This is one reason I’m not a fan … Continue reading