10 Days Until Christmas …

Today is my daughter’s last day of school until 2007. You remember that feeling – the release and the relief of the break. You didn’t have to worry about getting up early every morning. You didn’t have to go out into the cold. There were no tests and no quizzes. No math classes, no history classes or no class that you may have dreaded. All that you had to look forward to for the next two weeks was two weeks of relaxation and joy. I spent the last week preparing items for her holiday party and you forget the simple … Continue reading

Christmas Shopping as a Couple?

Do you and your husband or wife do your Christmas shopping together? Do you pick out gifts together, take them home, and wrap them up? Maybe you shop together but one of you does the wrapping. My husband and I shop together whenever we can and then he carries most of the stuff inside. We hide everything in our closet and then I usually wrap the stuff (after I’ve had a chance to recuperate from shopping!) My husband is a great shopper and talented gift giver, and he’s awesome at carrying stuff in, but wrapping? Not so much. I don’t … Continue reading

The Twelve Ornaments of Christmas

There is a beautiful tradition that I read about recently that comes from a Bavarian custom called the Bride’s Tree. You might want to incorporate this tradition into your Christmas decorating or into your holiday wedding planning or in some other way. Maybe you’ll just read this and appreciate the beauty of the custom. Either way, I think this Bavarian custom really does hold some of the secrets to making a good and happy marriage. So what goes into decorating a Bride’s Tree? According to customs, you want 12 molded glass ornaments that are made and given to the soon … Continue reading

Christmas Cards – Don’t Forget the Beauty of Them

We send Christmas cards to friends and family around the country and the world to show them how much we care – but I think sometimes that we take Christmas cards for granted and we pick out the one with the pretty picture and we rush through them signing our names and sticking them in an envelope and we forget how truly personal we can make a Christmas card and that the real meaning of the card is an I Love You and I am thinking of you – and isn’t that the real meaning of Christmas? Choose Your Cards … Continue reading

Christmas Movies for Couples

As promised in my previous article, Christmas Eve Traditions for Couples, here are some Christmas movies that you might enjoy. Heather shared her favorites in Holiday Date Night – Celebrate with Christmas Movies. Do You Like Chevy Chase? ““National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” isn’t exactly a romantic holiday movie, although there are some sweet parts. If you like crazy slapstick adventure combined with some tender moments, you may enjoy this movie. Chevy Chase is married to Beverly D’Angelo and the two are very cute together, even as all their plans for a perfect Christmas turn to chaos. Is this a Couple’s … Continue reading

Why You and Your Spouse Should Create Your Own Traditions

We’ve been talking about the holidays and creating your own traditions for the holidays. That’s the great thing about having a family of your own. You can keep some of the traditions you grew up participating in and you can skip right over the traditions you didn’t care for. It doesn’t matter if you and your spouse have children, because holiday traditions are about building strong bonds. Our First Few Christmases The first few years we were together, we did not have children and I’ve told you some of the traditions we embraced in those years. When you have kids, … Continue reading

Sending Christmas Cards

Do you faithfully send out Christmas cards each year? Maybe this is the first time you plan to send them. Either way, there are some great cards out there from which to choose. You can buy themed sets pre-packaged with matching envelopes or you can purchase individual cards. Maybe you opted for family portrait cards. Those are my favorite kind. You can also print cards from your computer. Most desktop publishing programs offer a greeting card setup. With this option, you can make your own family photo cards with just a snapshot. There are various places, both online shops and … Continue reading

The Best Marriage Article of December

The best marriage article of December focused on a series that Sherry and I wrote detailing the traditions couples develop surround the holiday. In Why You and Your Spouse Should Create Your Own Traditions we talked about the holidays and what traditions my husband and I used to celebrate our first few Christmases before we had our daughter. Later, our traditions changed, but that is a natural event as families grow and develop. The birth of children will have a great deal of influence on the traditions you and your spouse celebrate and honor. For families with older children, don’t … Continue reading

Holiday Plans with the Ex-Spouse

You may have been married before and you may share children with that former spouse that you and your current spouse spend time with over the holidays. Navigating the holidays with your former spouse for your child’s sake can be difficult, but it’s important that both of you do your best – if for no one other than your child. With this in mind, here are a few key things to keep in mind where your ex-spouse is concerned: Plan ahead – if your ex-spouse has your child for Christmas Day and you have them on the day after, make … Continue reading

The Marriage Week in Review December 2-8

Good morning and welcome to our second week in review for the twelfth month of the year. Today is December 9th and we have just fifteen shopping days left until Christmas. It was a very eventful week for me since I wrote the last week in review as I detailed in several entries over the last week and for all of the kind thoughts and well wishes sent my way – thank you. So without further ado, let’s get into our week in review: Saturday, December 2 Is this your First Christmas as a Couple? Here’s an Idea! Sherry discusses … Continue reading