“The Baby Borrowers” Shows How Children Affect Marriages

As I wrote about in another article discussing reality TV shows, I’m nuts for a lot of them. Another show I’ve been watching with some interest this summer is “The Baby Borrowers”. “It’s not just television, it’s birth control.” I may not have that tagline exactly correct, but it’s close. A quick synopsis in case you haven’t been watching: five sets of teenagers who are ready to become parents have agreed to become guinea pigs. Every three days they’re given a new batch of kids to “parent.” It started out with babies, went to toddlers, then pre-teens, then teens, and … Continue reading

Children Lead the Way to Marriage Strife

If you’re just married and you’re planning a wonderful life together, here are few tips about what to expect when you have your first child together. The birth of a child is a wondrous thing and it will have a profound effect on you and your spouse. But the stresses and changes that occur due to the birth of a child can often lead to the first major blow up in the marriage. Why? So why does the birth of a child (this fantastic, wondrous event) because so much stress on a couple? In large part, it’s because Mom now … Continue reading

Problems with Baby

A new baby changes the dynamic for a couple. There is no longer just the two of you to think about. Suddenly there is a third individual needing feeding, changing, bathing and caring for. The person who is at home with baby, in most cases the new mother, can feel she does little else all day but feed baby, change diapers, wash and do all those myriad activities associated with a baby. Then she finally gets the baby to sleep and her husband comes home. He’s been at work all day and wants to hold the baby. Recently a radio … Continue reading

The Importance of Making Your Husband Feel Wanted

The last couple of months I’ve had a chance to reflect on a profound insight fellow Families.com blogger Sherry Holetzky shared in a comment she left on one of my articles. While you’re clearly in pain and feeling neglected, a terrible place to be, it may well be that Wayne has issues of his own. He’s sharing you with your mom and he too may be feeling neglected. On a rational level, he likely knows that she needs you more, but somewhere inside it still hurts not to be the center of your world… Turns out, Sherry was dead on. … Continue reading

The Psychology of Why Married Men Cheat, Part 1

In addition to Matt Lauer interviewing Dina Matos on Today this morning about New York Governor Eliot Spitzer’s prostitution sting scandal, they also brought in a panel of experts (Dr. Laura Schlessinger, anthropologist Helen Fisher, and psychologist Jeff Gardere) to examine why men cheat. (Men in general as well as men in high places.) They focused on men because they’re more inclined to do it than women. The statistic they presented was that one in five married men have cheated. (Compared to only 12 percent of married women having cheated.) So why is it men are more prone to it? … Continue reading