Don’t Erase Your History

A few weeks ago I was pulling out an old book that my mom needed for book club. As I picked up the book a picture of my ex-husband and I fell onto the floor. For a moment I was back in high school remembering how things used to be before life got so complicated. I turned the picture over and left it on the dresser in my room and took the book to my mother. The next day my four year old brought the picture to me. He hadn’t seen pictures of us together for a very long time. … Continue reading

What Happens to Your Research After You are Gone?

Genealogists put a great deal of effort into their genealogy research. Often it is a “labor of love”. Those two concepts, combined, make your all those notes, records, documents, photos, and family trees templates extremely precious. What will happen to it all after you pass away? Genealogy research tend to make people very aware of death. Genealogists search for death records, obituaries, wills and gravestones. I cannot think of any other hobbies that include what could be thought of as a “morbid fascination”. However, genealogists are only human. No matter how comfortable you might be visiting a cemetery, or reading … Continue reading

Family is What You Make It

I wrote an article yesterday called, “What’s For Dinner?” that I shared on Facebook with my friends and family. I got lots of responses from people saying they liked the article, and that always makes me feel great. But, I like the comments where I know someone is really reading, and thinking about what I write. Those really make me feel like every word I type is important. That comment came from my Aunt. She is not LDS, but is very familiar with our religion. She is my Mom’s sister, and growing up, we had the fortune of living particularly … Continue reading

Remember What You Contracted For

When you sign a contract, whether to buy a house or a car or an item on hire purchase there are certain things both parties agree to do. Once the contract is signed, both parties are required buy law to adhere to it. When we get married we also sign a contract. We contract to love, honor and cherish, or obey, depending on the version of your marriage service. We contract that we will keep on loving each other and being committed to each other for better ‘for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health,’ … Continue reading

Love and Valentine’s Day

Still a few days to go and I have absolutely had it with Valentine’s Day and all the hype. Hasn’t it all got out of hand that Valentine’s Day is now such a major production? Everywhere you look are advertisements for buying lingerie and chocolates and jewelry and, and, and… the list goes on. But the ones that really annoy me most are the catalogues that keep arriving in multiples in our letter box suggesting men show their love by buying their wives or sweethearts a diamond ring. Well, I know one thing Mick won’t be buying me for Valentine’s … Continue reading

Honor Your Spouse?

In the marriage service it says love, honor and obey or love honor and cherish depending on which version you choose to have. What exactly does it mean to honor your spouse? Let’s start by what it doesn’t mean and what it does. You can honor them or dishonor them by the way you talk to your spouse and the way you talk about them. When you whine and whine to others about your spouse and their faults is that honoring your spouse? Not in my books it isn’t. Instead, it means honoring them with your actions and your words. … Continue reading

Love, Honor and Obey?

The traditional words of the marriage ceremony require the woman to promise to ‘obey.’ Did you promise to obey? I didn’t. Our minister suggested ‘cherish.’ That’s what both of us did – we promised to love, honor and cherish. Why the difference and does it makes a difference? Promises are something that Mick and I take seriously and I couldn’t in all conscience to promise to obey. No, it wasn’t that I am a rampant feminist and against submitting to my husband, because I’m not. Obedience speaks more of a sense of duty rather than any other emotion. Cherish has … Continue reading

Selfishness and Dishonesty Taken to the Extreme

I was horrified when I read this article about a man who infected the woman he claimed to love, and who he later married, with HIV. According to reports , he did not tell her he had the virus when the couple first ‘began a sexual relationship in 1996.’ Instead he knowingly and willingly passed the disease on to the woman he supposedly loved without telling her. By the time she found out, it was too late. This has to be the height of selfishness on this man’s part. Obviously Judge Thomas Wodak thought so too, He said ‘the fact … Continue reading

Can Watching Romantic Movies Negatively Affect Your Marriage?

According to an article in the Sydney Morning Herald by novelist Jojo Moyes, and based on research from the ‘Family and Personal Relationships Laboratory at Heriot-Watt university in Edinburgh,’ watching romantic moves can be detrimental to marriage giving people an unrealistic view of relationships and marriage. While common sense might tell us there is no such thing as the perfect relationship, the conclusion is that some people are far more influenced by what they see on film or read in books than they realize claims Dr Bjarne Holmes, conductor of the research. Films and books often tap into this whole … Continue reading

How to Give a Special Gift to Your Spouse

One of the things that occupies most of my mind during the Christmas season is what on earth to get my wonderful husband. He deserves so much, and yet he claims that he needs nothing. This year, I think I finally found the right special gift, so honey, if you are reading this, please stop. If you need something to distract you, the handle on the upstairs toilet is still not working correctly. Okay, is he gone? Good. As I was saying, I want to get him a special gift, one that he could cherish through the years. He offered … Continue reading