Cheating Made Easy

Cheating on your marriage partner has never been easier. The internet is making it easier for couples to hook up with others who are looking for affairs. A relatively new website makes it even easier for the average person to make connections with those looking to go outside the boundaries of marriage. According to an article in Time magazine ,679,000 people have used the cheater’s internet site. Of these users 92% of males are married while 60% of females who use the site are married. In the last year membership of the site has doubled to 4 million. These are … Continue reading

Get Off the Infidelity Roller Coaster

When your spouse is cheating on you, it can see as though you are going up and down and all around with his affair. At one moment he wants to leave and then he wants to stay. He doesn’t know whether he is coming or going and you don’t either. This roller coaster type of situation can leave you exhausted and emotional numb. You don’t know whether you should be depressed, excited at the prospect that he’ll come back to you, or ready to just move on. How to Deal with the Roller coaster To cope with the roller coaster … Continue reading

Wisdom From Week Three of the Atkins Diet

I have to admit, I didn’t feel like I did as well on week three of the Atkins diet as I did on the previous two weeks. Factors beyond my control made it really difficult for me to stay on the diet. It has been said that people learn best from their mistakes. After getting through week three, I have some wisdom to share. It wasn’t as easy for me to stay on this diet when my husband and I went out to eat. I work from home, and that means I am lucky enough to tailor my day, and … Continue reading

Is There Such a Thing As a No-Fault Divorce?

Is there such a thing as a no-fault divorce? The law says there is. But is there really? Let me share with you an example. Some time ago I knew a couple, let’s call them Alice and John. (not their real names)John had an affair with another woman that resulted in him moving out of the family home and setting up home with the other woman. After a time he insisted he wanted a divorce, despite the fact Alice did not. In time he got his way. Now the conclusion that many people who knew this couple was that John … Continue reading

You Can Window Shop All You Like

‘You can window shop all you like so long as you don’t take the goods home.’ This is the attitude of many to marriage. Another along similar lines is ‘you can flirt as much or lust as you like, so long as when you’re having sex it’s with your spouse.’ These are the type of attitudes a young married couple hear a lot from others they work with and even their friends. The idea is that it is harmless but is it? Faithfulness in marriage isn’t only about sex. It also means not going off for coffee with another of … Continue reading

Reviewing Priorities

Is there something your husband or wife does that’s sure to piss you off? I’m not talking something major, like cheating or spending thousands of dollars irresponsibly. (Though those would be prime pisser offer actions.) Rather, I’m referring to the little things. The not changing the toilet paper roll when it’s used up. The not rinsing off the dirty dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. (Or the opposite, for those of you out there who don’t see the value in rinsing dishes that are just going in the dishwasher anyway.) The leaving dirty clothes where they lay rather than … Continue reading

What Kind of Wife…

I’m attributing this title to Jade Walker, who gave me the idea from a PM she wrote to me about the Eliot Spitzer prostitution ring scandal. I’m sure you’ve already thought of this…But what kind of woman stands by her man when he publicly acknowledges using the services of a high-priced call girl? What kind of woman stands by her man when he’s outed via extortion? What kind of woman stands by her man when an affair with an intern is revealed…to the world? And what kind of message does this send to other wives (and their daughters)? ~-Jade Walker-~ … Continue reading

Baking Day

The crisp cool air has me in the mood for a baking day. I want to fill the house with the warmth and good aromas of comfort food, not only for myself and the little ones at home, but also for those of us who are away from the home today, my husband at work and my eldest son at school. Baked good always send a message that says “welcome home.” Another reason for having a baking day is to stock up food that can be prepared inexpensively without artificial ingredients. Baked goods can be eaten at meal times, but … Continue reading

Rebuilding a Broken Trust

One of the hardest things to do in your marriage after lies, broken promises or infidelity invade your relationship is to rebuild your trust. When I was single, I used to wonder why you would want to rebuild trust if it had been so completely disrupted – but marriage is a complex relationship. You can love someone like crazy and get hurt because of something they did and struggle with all your might to repair and rebuild your relationship because loving someone means loving all of them – flaws included. No, it isn’t easy. Repairing your relationship may be one … Continue reading