Changing a Negative Pattern

If your marriage is going through problems and you are trying to change a negative pattern, the most important thing is not to give up too soon. You need what my Mom used to call stick-ability. In other words, sometimes you just need to persevere and stick at it. Trying to change a pattern or a habit requires time as well as effort. The main thing is not be come discouraged and give up if you don’t see instant results. When you first started going together, what things did you enjoy doing? These are the types of things you need … Continue reading

Changing Behaviors

When it comes to marriage, we all have to adjust our attitudes. No matter how often you tell yourself that you fell in love with the person for who they are – you are going to change some behaviors in yourself from the moment you become committed. Don’t believe me? Let me ask you this – do you plan to date after your married? Do you plan to hit the singles scene? Do you plan to go grab a movie and some grub with friends without calling your spouse? Do you plan to spend the mortgage on the latest game … Continue reading

Marriage in the Floodwaters

Every marriage encounters obstacles and hard times. The difference is some people are better at handling them than others. So you are stuck in the floodwaters, now what can you do? To continue the floodwaters analogy, you could just try treading water and wait till the waters subside. The trouble is you might just go under in the process. So what else can you do? The best solution is to try and find a way out of or around the problem. This is where being able to talk about to with your spouse and get to the root cause of … Continue reading

One Strategy for Overcoming Underachievement

In my last post, I described some of the ways in which people undermine their own success. If you own your own business, there is likely no one around (except perhaps a friend or a well-meaning spouse who may not want to bring up the subject) to suggest to you that you may be doing some of these things. As the owner of your own business, you are responsible for checking yourself to see whether underachieving is preventing you from reaching your full potential. George Eliot said, “It is never too late to be what you might have been”. That … Continue reading

Remedies When Love is Fading

So you’ve discovered your love for your spouse is fading, what can you do about it? Here are some suggestions. Remember Remember where you started. When I lose sunglasses, keys or something, which is fairly common with me, I retrace my steps. It is no different with marriage. If you have lost your love for your spouse or are just having trouble remembering why you fell in love with them in the first place, go back to the beginning. Make a list of the reasons why you fell in love with them. Share that list with your spouse. Work on … Continue reading

New Arrivals

A new arrival has come to live at our house – a bundle of cuteness wrapped up in fur. And interesting the way it came about. For months I have wanted another dog but with the move and lots of things happening that required frequent visits to Sydney it was impractical. Then today, I decided to take the local newspaper with me in the car, which I never normally do. I saw an ad in the paper from someone selling Maltese Terrier cross Shih Tzu puppies. Every other time, I’ve mentioned the prospect of another dog my husband has been … Continue reading

Dealing with your own negativity

In Dealing with negative people, we looked at strategies for coping with negative friends, family and co-workers. Negative people can really sap your happiness levels and over time really bring you down. But what if you are the negative one? How can you change yourself so that you attract people to yourself rather than repel them with your constant moaning and criticizing? The first step in any sort of change is recognizing that you have a problem. If you realize that you are a negative person, congratulations! You have made the most important step in changing yourself into a more … Continue reading

Behavior Characteristics: For People Affected By Prenatal Alcohol Exposure

One of the most important things parents are advised is to be firm and consistent with our children, especially when it comes to behaviors. Natural consequences, time out, and other types of discipline are all common ways parents attempt to teach children behavior boundaries. I have 4 children, and with 3 of them standard, ordinary, logical parenting approaches have been very effective. However, I also have one child who was exposed to alcohol before her birth and suffers from Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ARND) A physical disability of the brain. For this child parenting is a completely different story and … Continue reading

Glossary of Special Needs Adoption-Related Terms “N-O”

Special Needs and Adoption-Related Terms: Adoption terms and special needs words may vary from agency to agency.The terms used in this Special Needs Adoption-Related Glossary may be slightly different from one State to another. A | B | C | D | E-F | G-H-I | J-K-L | M | N-O | P | Q-R | S | T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z N Neurological disorder: Emotional or mental disorders or problems that appear in the form of anxieties, obsessions, phobias, etc., but are not typically so sever that the person loses touch with daily realities. Non-identifying information: Facts about the birth parents or … Continue reading