Do You Play Games with Your Spouse?

I seem to have developed an affinity for coming up with potentially misleading titles this week. A couple of days ago I wrote Change Your Bedding, Change Your Sex Life, which could have been construed to mean I was implying something more simple than what I really was. Now this title could be taken to mean I wonder if you play mind games with your spouse. That might make for an interesting topic one day, but today’s not that day. I’m actually talking about real games. Fun games. Board games, card games, video games, etc. Games Couples Play I’m more … Continue reading

Change Your Bedding, Change Your Sex Life

Even though the title might suggest such, I’m not about to tell you how to salvage a slumping sex life by simply putting fresh sheets on your bed. (Although, if it has been weeks since you changed them, I could see how that might help.) Rather, I’m talking a makeover for your bed. Courtney, you do realize we’re in the midst of recession, right? Weren’t you the one freaking out about it not too long ago and coming up with ways to survive it without spending a lot of cash? Why, what a great memory you have! Yes, in fact … Continue reading

How You Can Interfere in Opportunistic Prostitution

Opportunistic Prostitution is the exchange of a required good, instead of money, for sexual favors. In its simplest form, in consensual situations, it’s where one party has sex with another because the other paid for dinner, bought an expensive gift, or said nice things. Ummm…sounds like some marriages I know of. A strange view of consensual sex, opportunistic prostitution is not uncommon amongst our young people. Much blame is placed upon young street kids for being promiscuous. Often what the kids are doing is just surviving. Entering into opportunistic prostitution keeps them alive and safe. They exchange sex with someone … Continue reading

Creating Your Baby’s Haven

It seems like it was just yesterday that I was pregnant and trying to decide on a nursery theme. But the reality is, I just got done giving my now two-year-old daughter’s room a major makeover. As I described in previous articles, the decorations and furniture in her room are now more age-appropriate. Of course, I couldn’t help but sigh as I pulled down the Baby Snoopy wall hangings. Yes, I chose to decorate her nursery with a mass-market theme (Baby Snoopy EVERYTHING from lamps to rugs). However, if you are looking to steer away from the commercially popular nursery … Continue reading