The Marriage Blog Week in Review for February 11-17

Due to the observance of a major love holiday last week, the main focus of many articles in Marriage revolved around that. Here’s how Lyn and I covered all things Valentine’s Day and beyond. Monday, February 11 I wondered what mattered more to you with rings, quality or quantity. Lyn observed the kind of realms talk show and relationships spark around Valentine’s Day. Tuesday, February 12 I listed places for the romantically challenged to find online help. Lyn reflected on how some people just need somebody because they can’t stand being single. Wednesday, February 13 I weighed in with Rule … Continue reading

Can a Job Improve Your Marriage?

Once upon a time over in Pets I wrote about my life as a pets blogger and all the tales I’ve become privy to. People love talking about their fur kids as it is, but when they find out I write about pets? Wow, you should see how much more they open up! Learning I’m also a Marriage blogger doesn’t have quite the same impact. For instance, if someone’s having pet behavior or training problems they ask for my advice. People usually aren’t as eager to admit to problems in their marriages. However, one thing I’ve noticed is what a … Continue reading

Celebrating Our Proposalversary

For Wayne and I today is more than just Valentine’s Day. It’s also our Proposalversary! We’re celebrating Proposalversary number 14. Hard to believe it was Valentine’s Day 1994 when Wayne (finally!) proposed. Seems like just yesterday! Or maybe I want the memory to linger since it was such a long time coming. (If you’re curious about the “proposal story,” such as it is, see: Shopping for Engagement Rings: Go With or Be Surprised?) Neither of us was expecting to be together today. Wayne’s been busy with work so he was even more at a disadvantage than me. I at least … Continue reading

Should a Woman Propose?

In a previous article I described some leap traditions of women proposing to men and the bad luck that marrying during a leap year can bring. So is it appropriate for a woman to propose to a man? I think if a large group were polled, there would likely be many different and opposing views to this question. Women are becoming much more liberal. Women run businesses, control finances, and even run for president, as we have seen this year. So why could a woman not propose? I think that most women would say that it is completely acceptable and … Continue reading

This is Leap Year

As most of you are very well aware of, this is leap year. In a leap year an extra day is added to the month of February. Therefore this year will have a date of February 29th. Leap year comes along every four years. With leap year also comes tradition. The main tradition that most people think of when talking about leap year is the woman proposing to the man. Long age it was inappropriate and outlawed for women to propose to men. However, leap year soon changed that theory. The belief is that the tradition began long ago in … Continue reading