Causes of a Sexless Marriage

There are more of them out there than we might think. Long time married people who are living a sexless marriage. While a loving marriage may be had without sex, I am sure that many will agree with me when I say that sex and physical intimacy should definitely be a part of marriage and can strengthen it. While sex in marriage is private, it is also something that a couple should not be ashamed about and should seek help if needed. As one of my favorite lines from the movie Moonstruck is said when an older couple goes about … Continue reading


Many marriages, but not all, experience infidelity at one time or another, either through the wife’s actions, the husband’s, or even possibly both. It can be overcome, but not accidentally, not by chance, not by wishing for it. The partner who cheated must feel true regret for what happened and make a sincere, solid decision that it will never happen again. They must break all ties with the person they cheated with, and never interact with them in any way again—otherwise, not only will the temptation be too great, but they will be reminded of the affair every time they … Continue reading

The Language of Intimacy

It’s no secret that men and women communicate differently. This applies to their intimate needs just as it does to every other aspect of their lives. Are you and your spouse communicating openly about your desires? A husband may tell his wife she looks beautiful, and to him, that’s a sexual overture. When she replies with, “Thanks, honey,” but doesn’t follow up with additional romantic actions, he feels as though he’s been rejected. She didn’t mean to reject him – she thought she was accepting a compliment. Perhaps she curls up next to him at night and puts her arm … Continue reading

Every Body is Different

Talking about sex isn’t always comfortable. We see sex as being a private thing between husband and wife, and that’s how it should be, but there are times when problems occur, and at those times, it can be appropriate to seek help. It seems to be expected that sex should be an enjoyable thing for both partners. However, for many people, it’s not. They may not have the physical reactions of pleasure that they would like to have during the act, and this can lead to resentment in the marriage. If one spouse is having all the fun, and the … Continue reading