Insurance Careers: Intro From Top to Bottom.

If you have been following my Insurance Blogs, I’m sure you can tell Insurance is a certain kind of “Geek Thing.” People who are successful working in an Insurance Career have a strange way of viewing risk and planning for disasters. Insurance is defiantly a way of thinking most people can understand insurance and how it relates to their own lives and personal finances. Some people can enjoy a career within the Insurance Industry. Within the business of insurance there are amazing and a wide range of opportunities for talented people. There are entry level positions for high school graduates … Continue reading

The Protector / Securing Personality Type

The “Protector/Securing” personality type, or the ISFJ personality type, describes a person who is an Introvert (I), who perceives the world through Sensing (S), who uses how they are Feeling (F) about the people and circumstances in a situation to base a decision upon, and who views the world from the viewpoint of Judgement (J). If you are an introvert, it means that you are more comfortable focusing on your own inner thoughts and ideas than you are with interacting with a room full of people, especially if those people are strangers, or people whom you do not know very … Continue reading

How Often are you Mad at Dad?

“I don’t need a husband… what I need is a wife.” How often have you heard your frustrated mom friends utter that doozy? Or, are you the one who constantly complains about your hubby’s lack of parental involvement? If so, you aren’t alone–far from it, in fact. According to a new study, nearly 52% of women report being angry with their husbands at least once a week. That number increases to more than 60% among moms with kids under the age of one. So why are moms so mad at dad? According to the survey: 44% of moms feel angry … Continue reading

Do You Love Your Spouse or Their Salary?

The other day Wayne and I got to talking about marriage, money, and respect. We’ve both known several people who divorced their spouses once they started bringing home the bigger paycheck. Specifically, women who divorced their husbands because they earned more than he did. “It has to do with respect,” Wayne said when we were talking about a particular friend. “She never had much respect for him to begin with. So once she started earning more, she lost what little she’d had.” “That’s pathetic!” I said. “If I ever made more than you it wouldn’t change how I felt about … Continue reading

Fathers of Famous Politicians and Presidents

Recently, I saw an interview on television with a presidential historian about United States Presidents and their absent fathers. The expert also looked at the current presidential nominees for the Democrats and the Republicans, their absent fathers and their need to please them. The discussion also included suggested reasons for their success. One of the reasons given for the success obtained by children of famous fathers is that their fathers were often absent from home and were very career-oriented parents. It was suggested that if a father is frequently gone from home because of his career, that the child will … Continue reading

Encore: Q&A of a Working MT, Part Two

For Part One, check this out. Again, here’s Sheila, a working medical transcriptionist: What is the best part of being an MT? The best part about this career for me is that it is interesting and suits my personality. I am very detailed oriented by nature and this job requires that. I also like a job where I can see my productivity at the end of the day so it feels like I accomplished something. I feel like I finally have a career instead of just a job too. And conversely, what is the worst part of being an MT? … Continue reading

I’m a Workaholic

There are a number of challenges that are waiting to confront you when you get married – challenges that you weren’t likely expecting. When you marry a workaholic, you may find yourself becoming a widow or widower to your spouse’s job and responsibilities. In a society where laziness seems to be the catch phrase, a workaholic can’t be that bad can they? Speaking From Experience Let me speak from experience here and stand up and admit it, my name is Heather Long and I’m a workaholic. I get so caught up in my work sometimes that I get up early … Continue reading

Becoming a Yoga Teacher

Deciding to “do what I love” was one of the hardest things for me because I love doing so many things. It would nearly be dishonest to leave out the fact that choosing what I love as a career might also be difficult because it means less income for my family. I was blessed to have a support mechanism around me that encouraged me to pursue yoga as something I could share with other people, and yes, slowly make a life’s work. Many people wonder how one goes from being a yoga student to a yoga teacher. Hopefully, I can … Continue reading

The Do Not Ignore List

There are a lot of things in life that we can just ignore and it will go away. After all, if you don’t like the weather outside, give it some time – it’s bound to change. But if you don’t like the weather in your marriage or how things are going between the two of you – ignoring it will not make it better. The following items are things you should not ignore – especially when it comes to your marriage. Having no time for each other Having no respect for each other Not sharing responsibilities Having no shared or … Continue reading

Workaholics & Marriage

These are not two words that seem to go synonymously together and when you are married to a workaholic, you may find that you were right – those two words do not go together. A spouse who is a workaholic is more likely to be neglectful of their loved ones as they seem to spend all of their time at work or working at home. The spouse and children of these workaholics may be understanding at first, but when dinner is missed five nights out of seven and school plays along with other events are overlooked – understanding may not … Continue reading