Marriage Tips: Two’s Company

It’s important to remember that in your marriage there is you and your spouse. While you are both interconnected with a variety of other people from extended family to coworkers to friends – it’s important to remember that when it comes to your marriage – it’s you and your spouse. You are a team. You rise and fall together. I remember being told for years that my husband and I had the perfect relationship, of course, I knew better. But on the outside, we presented that unified front. We were a team and that’s what most everyone saw. On the … Continue reading

What Didn’t I Say?

When it comes to arguing with our spouse, we ask ourselves what did we say? But more often than not, it’s not what we said in the argument that matters – it’s what didn’t we say? A lot of arguments come from the things we didn’t say and when we hold back, that withdrawal can lead to feelings of hostility and defensiveness on both sides of the relationship. What do I Mean? Well, let’s look at it this way: your husband comes home from work. He’s in a bad mood and he had a really bad day at the office. … Continue reading

Agreeing to Disagree

When it comes to marriage and problems, sometimes couples get too focused on winning an argument. The simple truth is when you focus on winning an argument – you are both deciding that one of you will be the loser. This is especially true when you are in the early years of a marriage. There is More than One Truth When we talk about arguments, it’s usually because the parties involved have different viewpoints. Your perspective and your perception are two of the main ingredients in determining not only how you feel about a matter, but also how you define … Continue reading