How Long Does Healthy Food Last?

It is spring and time to clean out your pantry. Whether you are stockpiling food from extreme couponing or storing your food in case of a disaster, even long-life food items have an expiration or best buy date. Some studies show that food can lose its nutrition even before the best buy dates. Here is a guide to how long you should keep some basic food items and when it is a good idea to replace them with fresher food. Flour Whole wheat flour doesn’t last as long as white, refined flour. It spoils about four times as fast. The … Continue reading

Love Each Other As If Every Day Is The Only Day.

‘Love each other as if every day is the only day.’ These words came out of the novel True Blue which I read recently. As you’ve probably gathered by now, I’m huge reader and Luanne Rice is a favorite author since I discovered her last year. As I read or watch TV or movies, I tend to have one eye on things I things I can use for blogs. This was one of those comments. But why love each other as is if every day is the only day? One of the reasons is that we don’t know what tomorrow … Continue reading

Protecting Your Marriage

Most people don’t think twice about insuring their home or car or things that are valuable. They don’t think twice about installing security measures like screens and alarms. But what about protecting your marriage? What can you and I do to protect our marriages? Here are some suggestions. And no, these aren’t all mine. Many came from members. Respect and being careful about the way we talk to our spouse. It was interesting to see how many of you mentioned this as essential. No marriage is great absolutely great all the time. Your spouse isn’t perfect and neither are … Continue reading

What an Example!

We can learn so much from the Old Testament. Nehemiah sets a great example for Christians in how to behave. Nehemiah 5:1-5 The Jews complained that were being hard done by and suffering extortion, not from outsiders but from their own Jewish brethren, verse 1. Some were large families without property. Some had mortgaged their fields and houses to provide food for their families. The third group had borrowed money for the king’s taxes and as a result their children were forced into being slaves, and they saw no way out for them or their family. Their complaints were valid. … Continue reading

What Does God Want Us to Pray About?

What do you pray about? Do you only pray about the big issues of life? Certainly they are worth praying about, but I believe God is also concerned about the small details of life too. The bible tells us ‘be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God, Philippians 4:6. Yes, I’m back in Philippians again. This book contains so much wisdom. So we should pray about everything – big and little. Have you ever listened to children pray? They will pray about whatever is on their mind. … Continue reading

Before Disaster Comes Show Your Love

Australia is reeling. A staggering number of lives have been lost as a result of the bushfires that have been rampaging for days. Whole towns have been wiped out. Many people have lost their homes and possessions in the worst disaster to hit Australia as bush fires rage through parts of Victoria. Fires have also hit New South Wales but to date no lives have been lost there. Other than the lives of loved ones, what would you try and save in case of a fire? It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it? As I started to think about what I’d … Continue reading

Putting It Into Practice – part 2

There’s a lot about the writing life that reminds me of the Christian life. As writers not everything we write will be accepted and published. Rejection, struggle and knock backs are part of most, dare I say all, writers lives. It’s how they are handled that makes the difference. It’s like I wrote about the other day – attitude. Our attitude can cause us to give up when rejection comes or to dig our toes in and think, ‘I’ll show you.’ This sort of attitude keeps us pressing on with determination. Sometimes that’s exactly what we need to do in … Continue reading