What Marriage Is All About

For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, till death us do part. Sound familiar? They should. They’re the words I’m sure most of us heard in our wedding ceremony. I was thinking about them while listening to a song on a CD Mick gave me for Christmas. Now I know I’m showing my age by admitting this but the CD was Kenny Rogers. I can just about how some of you younger ones groan at this point but please don’t stop reading. The song that particularly caught my ear was Through the Years, because … Continue reading

Bs You Don’t Want in Marriage

Yesterday we looked at some Bs that can sweeten your marriage like honey, today it’s Bs you don’t want. Belittle Never ever belittle your spouse in front of other by making negative or sarcastic comments. Nothing destroys a relationship quicker than having a person belittling their partner to others. You want to build them up not belittle them. Bemoan This one really goes hand in hand with the one before. You don’t want to be always bemoaning your spouse’s faults to them either. Bemoaning faults only tends to magnify them and make them more noticeable. It’s more helpful for you … Continue reading

Bees That Will Sweeten Your Marriage

We all know bees make honey. Here are some Bs that will sweeten your marriage. Believe Believe in yourself – you own worth, as well as that of your spouse and your marriage. A positive self image is important. You need to believe you are worthy of being loved and cared for. You also need to show your spouse that you believe in them. That you believe in their abilities and that you believe your marriage is worth putting time and effort into. Bed Bed can be an important place in marriage and one of the things I believe is … Continue reading

E Is For Excellence

E is for excellence. Excellence is something we should be striving for in our marriages.But there are some other Es that could improve your marriage. Enthusiasm Enthusiasm for making your marriage the best it can be. The world needs to see people who are enthusiastic not just about getting married but about staying married. Another time for enthusiasm is when greeting your spouse. What spouse doesn’t like to be greeted enthusiastically and know that you have missed them while throughout the day? Approaching it with enthusiasm can make even the most mundane task more interesting, especially if you approach it … Continue reading