Banning Interracial Marriages?

Have you read or heard about the disturbing poll that took place in Mississippi? Apparently 46% of Mississippi Republicans would support banning interracial marriages. I was absolutely shocked by this. There were also only 40% who believe it should be legal. Should this surprise me? Maybe it shouldn’t but it does. First of all, I guess I thought we had come much further than this. I’m not so naïve to believe that racism has been completely eradicated but I did think we were further along than this. Second of all, we live in such a mixed society. America is made … Continue reading

It’s Never Too Late to Change

If there is one thing I have learned in my marriage, it’s that it is never too late to change. Now before you get your hopes up, in thinking that I am talking about your spouse…know that I am actually talking to you. So often we are looking at the things in our spouse that we would like to see changed. Yet if we would spend more time examining the state of our own hearts and the attitudes that we have, we are likely to find that we have our own issues. It is so much easier to spend your … Continue reading

Embracing the “Other Woman”

Over the course of my almost 20 years of marriage, I have come a long way in some areas. While there are of course many areas that still need work, there is one particular place that I have been victorious over and would like to encourage other women about. It is sometimes a joke in movies and television shows…the wife complains about her husband’s interests in sports. Whether it’s a sport he plays in or watches on TV, she finds herself feeling like she is competing for his attention. She can’t understand the obsession with a club, or men running … Continue reading

What Do You Bicker About?

Is there a difference between fighting and bickering? I really think there is. I equate fighting to be dealing with “big” issues. You know, things like raising the children, how money is spent and so forth. But I equate bickering with the “little” stuff, such as leaving the cap off the toothpaste or who gets to drive. Fighting means you have some serious issues to deal with. This requires a lot more work, perhaps even some counseling to get through it. These are issues that took time to build up and will take time to solve. However with bickering, you … Continue reading

Homeschooling Resource of the Day: 10/01/07

Welcome to another edition of homeschooling resource of the day. As always, if you see something you want changed, you have something you would like added, or know of something that should be featured please feel free to leave me a comment. Today’s website is National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. I used this site when I tutored college students in algebra. I also use it with Jonathan. It has grades K-12 manipulatives/puzzles in four categories; numbers and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis and probability. It’s a fun way to learn about and explore different areas of math. Word of … Continue reading

Marriage Debates: California Gay Marriage Ban to Be Appealed

It’s not surprising, after the votes last week it was only a matter of time before the laws would be challenged in state courts. Advocates in California have asked the California Supreme Court to consider their legal challenge on the California Gay Marriage Ban. The briefs filed with the court argue that banning gay couples from marrying violates the California constitution and they are requesting the justices address this immediately. The appeals court in California upheld the law last month that restricts marriage to a union between a man and woman and offered the response that it is up to … Continue reading