Christians and Depression

Christians should never suffer depression. That’s a common attitude from some people and it is decidedly wrong. People who claim Christians should never suffer depression have failed to understand a basic truth, that it is not something the person chooses to do. It is not showing a lack of faith or that they are lacking in their spiritual life. Depression is quite simply a medical condition like asthma or any other sickness. We don’t tell the person who has asthma it is because they don’t have enough faith or they are lacking in their spiritual life or if they prayed … Continue reading

Attitudes Toward Marriage

Everybody has something to say about marriage. Some of it is positive, some extremely cynical. I’m inclined to think a lot of a person’s ideas about marriage and response to marriage come from their experiences of marriage. This means the model they saw in their parent’s marriage and sometimes in the marriages of friend’s parents. Good reason for parents to be careful about the sort of messages they are sending their children about marriage. It will shape a person’s own expectations of and attitude towards marriage. It is also shaped by their own experience of love and marriage and what … Continue reading

Attitudes and Responses in Education

A teacher’s attitude towards their students can have a serious affect on students and not always for the good. Recently I was talking to a friend and she was telling me how at the opening of a rural high school, the school library had no books. Why? Because the teachers at that school had decided there wasn’t a lot of point. Their view was the students of that area wouldn’t use them. The teachers had already made up their mind about what the students were capable of and what they weren’t. They’d dismissed them as being young people who’d end … Continue reading

Attitudes and Expectations

So Christmas is over and the presents all unwrapped, family often gone back to the respective homes or maybe more arriving. How do you feel after the hype of the last few days? Do you feel still on a high after the excitement of Christmas? Do you feel thankful things are back more normal and back to your usual routine? Do you feel depressed because family has left or you’ve had to leave them behind or simply because there’s nothing to look forward to any more? Do you regret that it’s all over for another year? Or are you relived? … Continue reading

Early Sexual Activity in Children and Teens Linked to TV Viewing

How young is too young for sexual activity? In my house it was any time before marriage, but the reality is that teens and even children are sexual active way before they or their parents are ready. Some kids as young as nine years old are taking the initiative to experiment with sexual activity, although thankfully this isn’t the norm. As scary as this is, it is important for parents to understand the various reasons behind early sexual activity. A recent study at the Children’s Hospital of Boston may offer at least one clue about early sexual activity and adolescence. … Continue reading

Your Children and Your Less Active Spouse

It can be difficult to attend church when your spouse is less active. This can be a struggle on many levels. One area in particular is your children. There may come a time when one or more of your children begin to question whether or not they can stay home with the less active parent or attend church. Children may also struggle when lessons are taught about eternal families and the need for all members of the family to be active. It is important that you handle these issues as a team. You should sit down and speak to your … Continue reading

Goals – Building, Living and Being Inspired

Every day we hear about the threat of obesity against our children, our future and ourselves. Fitness and health are more than a niche market, in fact, it seems like everyone is getting in on the act. My mother called me yesterday and we were talking and she mentioned off hand that she just picked up an elliptical machine. You could have scraped my jaw off the floor! My mother bought an elliptical machine? She ordered an elliptical machine, received delivery, put it together and plans to use it. WOW! Then she tells me something else that threw me, up … Continue reading

Sexual Song Lyrics and Early Sexual Activity Linked

Does the music that your teen listens to affect their sexual behavior? According to a study recently reported in the August 2006 issue of Pediatrics the answer is yes. The study, done by the Rand Corporation in conjunction with the University of California, links the exposure to degrading sexually explicit lyrics to early sexual activity in teenagers. Researchers conducted telephone interviews with about 1,000 youth over a three-year period. They evaluated the music that each teen listened to as well as 18 other behaviors known to be linked to sexual behavior. Researchers found that “teens who reported they listened to … Continue reading

Argument with Teen Ends in Mom Hitting Her with Car

Have you seen the video of the Ohio mom who ran over her daughter’s foot in a Walmart parking lot? It is quite disturbing. Apparently the mom and 19-year-old daughter had been arguing, when her daughter got out of the vehicle. The mom says her intentions were to slap her daughter in the face as she drove past her. However, she ended up hitting her with the car instead. While I cannot imagine for the life of me ever doing something like that…here is where I can somewhat relate to the mom. The mother must have been feeling a great … Continue reading

Different Reactions

Sometimes you may find you and your intended may react to certain people and circumstances differently. You will need to decide if you marry whether this is going to be a problem and how you will resolve. It is far better to sort it out before you get married than leave it till after. It may just be a situation or relationship that is a deal breaker. Of course, even after you are married, you may find you and your spouse will react differently to a certain person or situation. I remember one time my daughter and I had to … Continue reading