Considering Your Spouse’s Point of View

The difference between knowing and really knowing, or feeling, something is amazing. I’m the first person to tell others that a key to any relationship, but especially a marriage, is trying to think from the other person’s point of view. It’s absolutely essential in a marriage, because we are spending the rest of our lives living with this person. The more we try to understand how our spouse thinks, the better off we’ll be. I know this, and yet it’s so hard for me to act on it. For example: once in a while my husband has to work the … Continue reading

Listening to Each Other’s Intuitions

Has your spouse ever told you that they have a bad feeling about something you’re about to do? And what if it’s something you really, really want to do? We’ve all been there—we’ve gone to do something and suddenly, without knowing why, we strongly feel that we shouldn’t do it. Sometimes we listen to that little voice and we avoid an accident or something else that would have been either emotionally or physically painful for us. Sometimes we don’t know why we felt like we shouldn’t do it. Other times, we don’t listen, and we do it anyway, and we … Continue reading

Your Home Based Business Christmas Party

Around this time of year, many people are getting ready to attend their company or office holiday party. If you are a home – based professional, especially if you used to work in an office or at another place where the annual holiday party was something you enjoyed, you may feel a little sad that you will not be attending those festivities this year. On the other hand, some people really do not like attending company holiday parties so you may feel relieved that you do not have to endure another year of listening to your former boss sing Christmas … Continue reading

What a Woman Really Wants

My husband was heading down to the store, and I handed him a list of the things I needed. He pocketed it and drove off, and came back later with a sack full of stuff. In addition to the things I asked for, he had purchased something I needed that wasn’t on the list. Bless his heart – he noticed we were nearly out and picked some up. It’s things like this that make me fall in love with my husband all over again. Sure, a romantic vacation to some remote island would be nice, but on a day-to-day basis, … Continue reading

When Your Spouse Disappoints You

There are moments in your marriage when your spouse may disappoint you. If this happens, it is sometimes hard to know how to deal with the disappointment without making things much worse. Disappointment can come in many forms and be minor or major. it could be as simple as forgetting to pick something up at the store or a complicated as an extramarital affair. In some of the most difficult situations, the disappointment in your spouse can actually change the way you look at your spouse. Perhaps you never thought that he or she could do something that would disappoint … Continue reading

Are You Really Listening to Your Spouse?

When you have been married a long time, your spouse can something feel like a comfortable sweater that fits just right and never needs any extra attention to adjust it. One of the downsides to this is that sometimes we really aren’t listening to our spouses when they talk. Back when you were dating or first married, I bet you held on to each syllable that your dear one uttered. You learned about your spouse this way, and were eager to discuss all sorts of things such as the philosophy of life. But once a few years goes by, are … Continue reading

When Your Spouse Doesn’t Listen

You often hear women joke that men have ‘selective hearing.’ But sometimes it is not a joke. Have you ever felt like that what you say to your spouse is not getting through to them? Whether it’s sex, work, household chores, friends and time spent with them, hobbies –the topic doesn’t matter particularly, if it’s a problem it needs to be talked about in a calm, reasonable manner that is non accusatory and blaming. But what if you’ve done that? Your spouse has appeared to be listening, made all the right noises, agreed things need to change and then…. Nothing … Continue reading

“Do You Love Me?”

How many of you have ever looked over to your mate and asked the golden question, “Do you love me?” I think most people probably have. The odd thing about this question is that we naturally anticipate the answer to be “yes” and we really would not expect our partner to say “no” even if that were the real answer. So how do you really know if your mate loves you? It is not as simple as asking the question and accepting the given answer. Anyone can speak the three little words “I love you”. However it takes a special … Continue reading

Is It Time to Teach Your Child the Facts of Life?

One of the great and yet one of the scary things about being a parent is teaching your children about procreation, or the facts of life, or the birds and the bees – whatever you choose to call it. As LDS parents, we have the added advantage of teaching it from a religious perspective and can call on the scriptures and also modern day revelation to help us impress upon our children the deeply spiritual nature of such an act and how sharing it with your spouse can bring you closer together. We can help them to understand also the … Continue reading

Sharing Your Admiration for Your Kids

I tend to catch myself doing a great deal of “bossy” parenting–giving direction and guidance and trying to shape my children’s behavior. As they get older, I have realized that where I really need to work is on letting go of the need to “parent” and sharing with my children how proud I am and how much I really do admire them. It seems to be human nature that the closer people are to us and the more attached and the more we care, the more likely we are to focus on flaws and problems. I am NOT sure what … Continue reading