Can Watching Romantic Movies Negatively Affect Your Marriage?

According to an article in the Sydney Morning Herald by novelist Jojo Moyes, and based on research from the ‘Family and Personal Relationships Laboratory at Heriot-Watt university in Edinburgh,’ watching romantic moves can be detrimental to marriage giving people an unrealistic view of relationships and marriage. While common sense might tell us there is no such thing as the perfect relationship, the conclusion is that some people are far more influenced by what they see on film or read in books than they realize claims Dr Bjarne Holmes, conductor of the research. Films and books often tap into this whole … Continue reading

Free Valentine’s Day Apps for iPhone

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Those of you who absolutely adore this holiday are probably very excited. You might enjoy playing around with some free Valentine’s Day apps that are compatible with your iPhone. These cute, fun, apps are a great way to celebrate Valentine’s Day without breaking the bank. M.A.S.H. Valentine is a FREE app that is compatible with both iPhone and iPad. It takes the original M.A.S.H game that you played as a child, and gives it a Valentine’s Day spin. M.A.S.H stood for “Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House”. This app turns it into “Married, Acquaintances, Soulmates, … Continue reading

Finding Love In Midlife

As a single parent and one who was on the dating scene for awhile, I can honestly say that trying to find a life partner in midlife may be about ten times more difficult than it is when we’re younger. Some of the reasons why it’s more difficult to find true love after forty are that a lot of people are already in long-term relationships or married. Another reason is that his kids may be younger than yours or maybe he never had kids at all. Maybe he wants more kids and you’re done with being pregnant. Some people tend … Continue reading

Soul Mates?

Is your spouse someone with whom you can share the innermost secrets of your heart and know you will not be judged, ridiculed or condemned? Is this what you are for your spouse – someone that he or she can always turn to – that they don’t have to think before they speak how will they react if I tell them this? This is the freedom and acceptance we should have with each other if we are really soul mates. ‘A friend is one to whom we may pour out all the contents of our heart, chaff and grain together, … Continue reading