Three Ms You Don’t Want in Marriage

Yesterday we looked at some Ms to incorporate into marriage. Today I’ve got three Ms you definitely don’t want in your marriage Manipulative We’ve all seen then the wives who manipulate their husbands with tears and emotional blackmail and acts designed to get what they want. We see it in those who manipulate their spouse into doing what they want when they want it, using sex or whatever other means at their disposal to get their own way. Manipulative people often use tactics to make the other person feel guilty, if they don’t comply. They use silent treatment or lies … Continue reading

Bad Dads? You Decide

I know a dad who pays more money for airlines tickets to see his girlfriend than he does in child support. He also willingly shells out more cash to wine and dine said girlfriend in the course of three days than he does to feed his own child in an entire month. That’s on top of repeatedly placing the child in dangerous situations and consistently ignoring the child. So, does this make the guy a bad dad? He certainly doesn’t think so, and I would venture to guess that fellow fathers Jon Gosselin and Mel Gibson would agree. The aforementioned … Continue reading

Has Parenting Made You Softer?

Recently I was chatting with a parent who confessed that parenting had made her “softer”—not in terms of being squishy and emotional, but she wanted to talk about how she just felt more open and vulnerable and real as a person because of parenting. I thought this could be a fun topic for a blog here in the Parenting Blog… I had to agree with my friend—I am more myself completely when I am with my children than with anyone else. I have never had a spouse, partner, friend or family member that I have allowed myself to be as … Continue reading

Faults You Should Not Accept

Previously I wrote and article about how your feelings can influence your fights with your mate. I have also discussed in the past how we must learn to be ourselves in our relationship and also accept our mate for who he or she is. At times we must learn to look over our mate’s little quirks and realize that if we cannot accept and love each other for who we are then things will likely never work. In the comment section of the first article that I described, a reader questioned me about accepting verbally abusive, critical, controlling, and temperamental … Continue reading

Trust Issues in Your Home Business—Part One

When we think of “trust issues” many of us think of our personal relationships—those we have with a partner or spouse, children, or friends and family. Trust issues can also affect our home business operations, however, whether they are issues that we have or ones that are coming toward us from our customers and clients. Writing and talking about trust issues can be sticky. After all, many of us do not even realize what we are wrestling with. We may think we are just being “smart” or preparing ourselves for the inevitable. If we are constantly assuming that our customers … Continue reading

Are You Controlling Your Business? Or is it Controlling You?

Of course we cannot always be in control—especially with our home businesses. Not to mention, there is a big difference between maintaining some elements of control and being controlling (or a control freak.) Still, I do think it helps to ask ourselves if we are in control of our home business operations…or if our businesses are actually controlling us? Can you set parameters around your business and stick to them? Do you have general operating hours or do you take calls at any time of the day or night? I think that having some basic boundaries around a business can … Continue reading

Can You Look at Things Objectively Yet?

Objectivity does not come naturally or easily for many of us. It can take time and personal work before we are able to look at something traumatic that has happened and see it from an objective perspective. For those of us who have become single parents through a separation, divorce, or death—the emotions and subjectivity can be so strong and compelling, that it takes a while before we can get to a more objective place. Objectivity is key to recovery and being able to get on with our lives, however. Are you still harboring blame for your ex-spouse or others … Continue reading

Do You Have Healthy Boundaries for Your Parenting Territory?

I think that it is easy for single parents to start to believe that they are in charge of every aspect of their children’s lives. Since there is only one of us and we have to maintain control and responsibility over all aspects of family life, I think we can get the impression that our “territory” is all-inclusive and that we have say, control, and responsibility for more that we actually do. Maybe you know of partnered parents who can say something like: “The clothes shopping is my department and driving the kids to sports is my spouse’s.” As single … Continue reading

Don’t Let Helplessness Control Your Happiness

Helplessness is a major contributor to marriage conflict, disagreements and even depression. The sense that you have no control over your environment and that nothing you do can affect it can leave you ineffectual and helpless. A sense of helplessness can create increased psychological stress on your life and on every interaction you have. Too often, we get caught up on a runaway train of coping with financial problems such as getting our bills paid, saving up for holidays and events. Changes in technology such as trying to get through to report a problem with something can leave us frustrated … Continue reading

Why YOUR Behavior Matters to Your Child

As you go about your day, your child is constantly observing you. Even the developmentally delayed child is constantly trying to process information and make sense of what she sees. As a parent, you are your child’s primary role model. The way you respond to various situations makes an indelible mark on your child’s psyche. A behaviorally-disordered child is especially in need of a good parental role model. Kids who have trouble controlling themselves crave visual “cues” for how to act. So it’s a good idea to take stock of your own behaviors and make improvements whenever possible. Don’t assume … Continue reading