Dealing with Marriage Cynicism

I’m starting to get fed up here. I’m not fed up by any means with my husband or my marriage, relatives included, but by all of the marriage cynicism I have been encountering lately. From the best Seller, Eat, Pray Love,” to friends who would rather cohabitant than commit (“marriage is for unenlightened breeders, unless you need a green card.” Don’t shoot the messenger) to married couples who complain about being married. While I really don’t think that everyone should be married, I am struck by how much passion there is against the institution. Where did all of the cynicism … Continue reading

“Little Children” and The Loveless Marriage

When I got home last night, my husband was upstairs, still putting the kids to bed. It sounded pretty quiet, but there was still a sleepy mumble or two coming from the bedrooms. I decided to stay downstairs until I knew the kids were asleep, in order not to rouse them. There wasn’t enough time to do much else that wouldn’t make noise, so I grabbed a basket of laundry to fold and popped on the television. A movie was on called Little Children. It seemed pretty interesting, but I soon learned that the main character was in the middle … Continue reading

Are We Getting Too Used to Marriage Scandals?

From Jon & Kate Gosselin (Plus Eight) to David Letterman, there is hardly a day that goes by without some little nugget of celebrity news that also includes a cheating spouse or some other assault against marriage. Remember Edwards or Sanford? Maybe not too much; we have already moved on from them. There might have been a time when we would have been shocked by such scandals, but today it is different. There is publicity (and not all of it negative) in a marriage scandal. Individuals can admit their mistake, get their fame, promote their book and move on, with … Continue reading