An Unknown Word These Days

What does it mean to be faithful? Mick and I were surprised to find some people don’t even know what the word means. This week, as we do every week, Mick and I were teaching classes together at a local school. The word faithful came up in one of the activities and Mick and I were astounded to find not one child in that class knew what the word meant. These were 9-10 year olds who asked us ’what does that word mean?’ So we ended up explaining to them that being faithful means someone who you can trust, who … Continue reading

No Need to Fear

When I go through my day each day, I don’t feel a lot of fear. I am afraid to say that I don’t often think about the tragedy and sorrow that is going on in the world around me. Some days, I don’t even think a lot about what other people are doing that might be morally incorrupt. After all, I am a Mom to 3 small children. My days are full of the bare necessities. Cleaning, cooking, bathing, feeding, breaking up fights, and teaching my children…well, everything children need to be taught. But, some days, I stop and take … Continue reading

Home Genetic Tests Could Require Involvement From Doctors

Recently, the FDA put together an advisory panel in order to figure out what regulations should be put in place in regards to direct to consumer DNA testing kits. The opinions of the experts has lead the FDA to conclude that at least some of these genetic tests should require the involvement of a doctor. If so, this could, potentially, change how easy it is for genealogists to use these tests to create their medical family tree. The discovery of the human genome, and all the research that has been done on it, has occurred in a relatively short span … Continue reading

What Others See

Do you ever wonder what others see when they look at your marriage or when they look at your family? Sometimes they may not see the picture we see in our minds. I was reminded of this recently. Over the Christmas period a friend of mine dropped into our place. I apologized later from the noise and mayhem. With several generations that included six adults, two young school aged children, a toddler and a baby, it was noisy. But that’s not what she saw. She thought it was ‘lovely to see a normal happy family enjoying themselves and celebrating together.’ … Continue reading

Pressuring Your Spouse

Are you ever guilty of pressuring your spouse? You know the sort of thing I mean. You want to do something while your spouse had other ideas, so you resort to tears and pouting and making your spouse feel guilty – all what I would call emotional blackmail to get your own way. Or it might work this way. You continually make your spouse feel guilty by being negative about what they want to do and listing all the reasons why it’s not a good idea and won’t work. Worse still is getting the children on side and using them, … Continue reading

What Does It Mean To Be Faithful?

Yesterday we looked at the idea of being faithful? But what does it mean to be faithful in marriage? Yes there is the commitment and need to be faithful to your partner sexually. That means more though than just not committing the sexual act with anyone else. It means not even fantasizing about it with another person. That should then affect the way we treat members of the opposite sex. We should not flirt with them and get into situations which can be wrongly interpreted. It may mean not kissing or hugging members of the opposite sex no matter how … Continue reading

New Adoption Programs with Shorter Wait Times

My last blog referred to a site listing adoption requirements by country, including several countries with small and fairly new adoption programs. Many of these programs have shorter timeframes than countries whose adoption programs are more well-known. A word of caution is in order here: timeframes can be unpredictable when a country is new. Perhaps their court system or passport and visa offices don’t work as quickly as their adoption approval process. Perhaps the system will be vulnerable to major changes when a new administration and/or legislative body takes office. While these programs are understandably attractive to those who want … Continue reading

Naomi Campbell Arrested…Again

I just do not understand what is up with modeling beauty Naomi Campbell. She is gorgeous, rich, and famous, yet something must be setting off these anger outbursts. Her rap sheet is longer than even the most diehard gansta rapper: In 2000, she pleaded guilty to a 1998 assault on Georgina Galanis, her own assistant. This assault included throwing Galanis from a moving car! The whole thing was dropped when Campbell expressed remorse, paid Galanis an unknown amount of money, and agreed to go to anger management classes. Not having learned much from the classes, Naomi was slapped (oops) in … Continue reading

Discovering New Music with and for Your Kids

One of the pleasures of my life has been discovering bands and artists, becoming vested in their music then watching them evolve as musicians and, in some cases, as people. It can be so very rewarding to find a band, singer or musician (local or national) that is relatively unknown and then fall in love with their style, lyrics, live performances and records. You can feel a deep connection to that act, because you were on board early. It is like having a little secret that is wonderful and brings a tremendous amount of joy. To share this with others … Continue reading

Love Letters – Love & Poets

We’ve talked about Valentine’s, the history behind it and how we celebrate it. Now we are going to take a look at great romances in history as a part of our 14 Days of Romance here at the Marriage Blog. I thought it very appropriate that the first romance we look at is between two very popular and beautiful poets from the 19th century, perhaps you’ve heard of them? Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. The Brownings Their romance was born in January of 1845, when Robert Browning began what would become known as the greatest correspondence of all time. Elizabeth … Continue reading