Inspiring Words from Unlikely Places

Sometimes inspiring words come from the most unlikely places. This morning I was reading a post on the Sydney Swans Football site. For those of you who know me well, you will know I have a passion for my red and white footy team. One of the co-captains made a speech at the presentation of the jerseys that impressed me. A lot of what he said could actually be applied to marriage. When I said to Mick I was going to use it as a blog post for marriage he said. ’ I can see why.’ So here are my … Continue reading

Equipped for an Emergency

How much are parents today teaching their children to prepare them for life? How many children would know how to respond in an emergency? Is it something you have taught your children? Recently our local paper carried the story of a mother who considered it vitally important to teach her children what to do in case of emergency. From a young age she drummed into them that in case of an emergency to ring 000. That’s the number in Australia. USA it is 911. The young mother, Kylie, taught her children from the time they could talk almost their address … Continue reading

Easter and Marriage

Easter means different things to different people. As I’ve read a couple of other blogs I see some of those different traditions in families come out. To some people it means Easter bunnies and Easter egg hunts. To others it means church. Sometimes there is a combining of the two. In our marriage and those of our son and daughter and their spouses, it means church,remembering the first Easter and what Easter is all about – the death and resurrection of Jesus. One couple I know who are still on their L plates in their marriage has started a tradition … Continue reading

Luck Has Nothing To Do With It.

The other day we saw how in the soap opera marriage it is so often about self. Sadly that’s also what you see that in some other marriages around where each person is mostly concerned with their rights and what they want, rather than caring for their mate and being selfless in their love. It is an idea that is constantly promoted by our society and our advertising media – that you’re no the most important person in a marriage. I beg to differ. I’d suggest that rather than being focused on self the marriage which is more likely to … Continue reading

An Important Aspect of Marriage

Politicians make them all the time and though sometimes they are kept, other times they are forgotten, ignored or reneged on. Advertisers make them about their products, and too often we find their claims are not true. What am I talking about? Yes, you guessed it promises. Promises are an important aspect of marriage Promises When we married we made promises in front of witnesses that we would love, honor and cherish or obey, depending on the version of the marriage ceremony used, our spouse. At the time we, hopefully, believed we meant it. But what about when we find … Continue reading

Want a Great Marriage?

If you want your marriage to be great, here are some Gs to help you achieve that goal. And yes, you guessed it, goal is the first one. Goal You goal should be to constantly keep working at you marriage. You will never achieve the perfect marriage but that doesn’t mean you should stop working on it and aim to make it the best it can be. There’s another important thing in marriage to do with goals. Are your spouse and your goals the same? Do you want the same things out of life and out of your marriage? If … Continue reading

It’s Complicated Or Is It?

Yesterday I heard a young married woman holding forth about the reasons why she won’t go to see a recently released movie. The prime reason is because in her words, ‘it makes a mockery of marriage.’ She doesn’t want to support any movie making venture that makes a mockery of marriage. This young woman has been married only a few years. In her own words she is still on her L plates when it comes to marriage, but it seems to me that she’s got something right. She considers marriage to be something sacred and about forever love, not here … Continue reading

Finding The Perfect Mate

A little while back a 27 year old man from Tokyo married a Nintendo character. That’s right. This man said ‘I do’ to a video game creation. The character is called Nene Anegasaki, and is the star of a dating simulation game called Love Plus. Now I know what a sad state our society is in. According to the man, Nene is ‘better than a human girlfriend.’ He says she is ‘the perfect woman.’ And right there is the problem. He’s looking for the perfect woman. Well good luck with that. Little wonder a human being isn’t good enough for … Continue reading

How Do You Love?

Yesterday I gave my husband a quiz. Being the sweetie he is, he filled it out and then I gave him the results of mine. It was a test based on the Five Love Languages. It is an interesting exercise to see what is most important to you in the way of expressing and receiving love. Why not try it and also give a copy to your spouse to fill out? It takes less than a minute. Did it tell us anything we didn’t already know? I’m not sure it did. It did show up one thing that struck both … Continue reading