Have a Heart This Valentine’s Day

At present our letterbox is inundated with store catalogues trying to convince us of the need to buy jewelry, sexy underwear, chocolates and all sorts of things for Valentine’s Day. However some people, celebrities among them, have taken a whole different approach to Valentine’s Day. Singer and former Australian Idol winner, Guy Sebastian and his wife Jules will share their love with the Red Cross. Guy and Jules are encouraging Australians, ’to treat their loved ones to a Red Cross Valentine’s donation and really make Valentine’s Day count by giving a life changing gift to someone in need.’ Valentine’s Day … Continue reading

Inexpensive Ways to Show Love on Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and you want something special that says, ‘I love you.’ That something doesn’t have to be an expensive gift. Often it’s the little specially created things that show our love more than the big gestures. It’s not too late to come up with an inexpensive way of showing your love this Valentine’s Day. Remember that old poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, How Do I love Thee, Let Me Count the Ways? Write something similar for your spouse, letting them know how much you love them. If composing a poem seems way too hard or beyond … Continue reading

A Valentine Treasure Hunt

With less than a month to Valentine’s Day, can I suggest you start thinking about a Valentine treasure hunt? I can thank my little granddaughter for this idea. She is right into treasure hunts and makes a lot of them up. She is always giving us or other family members little slips of paper with clues on them which tell us where to look for the next clue. She gets a big kick out of watching us search for her next clue. It occurred to me the other day as Mick and I were involved in following her treasure hunt … Continue reading

Valentines Day for Single Parents

February 14th is Valentines day. I’m posting this early so if you decide to celebrate it the way I do, you have time to prepare. It is a day to celebrate your love. I’ve heard single parents say before, “But I’m a single parent, note the word single. What do I have to celebrate.” Here is my response to that statement. Yes, you are a single parent, note the word parent. You have the greatest love of all to celebrate. You have the love of a parent for a child to celebrate. Valentines day doesn’t have to be about romantic … Continue reading

A Frugal But Very Fun Valentine’s Day Activity

Finding new and innovative ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day, can be fun and romantic. Most “date ideas” that I share can be done with children and friends too, rather than just a romantic partner, and this one is no different. This is a fun and creative way to spend some time on Valentine’s Day. It is one of my most favorite ideas, and I cannot remember where I learned about it. First, you will need to come up with a lock box with a key. You will also need to make several contacts first, to be sure everything is set … Continue reading

The Way of Love

Well, it’s over. No, not my marriage, but the book launch of my newest novel Streets on a Map. Now our lives and marriage can go back to normal a bit. On Valentine’s Day, as it already is here in Australia, what better chance to write my own verse inside his card thanking my husband for all his love and support. This book launch would never have happened without him. He was my right hand man. He em ceed the event introducing the how the afternoon would work and the first speaker, taking money for books sold, taking photos for … Continue reading