January Check In: New Year’s Resolutions in Marriage

It’s time to check in and see how you are doing on your New Year’s resolutions. Did you make any resolutions in the area of your marriage? If you didn’t, I strongly encourage you to do so. Call them resolutions, goals or whatever you like…all of us could take steps to improve our marriages. In fact, this is my challenge for me and you the reader. Think of one thing you can do in the upcoming month to make your marriage better. Is there something that you know drives your spouse crazy that you could stop doing? Is there something … Continue reading

New Year’s Resolutions

I’ve never been one big on New Year’s Resolutions. After a month or two all of my enthusiasm has gone down the drain and taken my resolution right along with it. I’ve always been goal oriented, but for some unknown reason I have trouble sticking with New Year’s Resolutions. Perhaps my other goals are more realistic. This year is going to be different though. I’m making changes in my life and I’m sticking to them this time! Last year was bittersweet for me. I got out of a marriage that had no chance for happiness, but had to start my … Continue reading

Tips for Conflict Resolution

My father passed away recently, and last night, I spent some time reading his life history. He stated that even though twenty years had passed since my parents’ divorce, he still didn’t know why my mother had filed. She, on the other hand, always said that she tried over and over again to resolve the issues in their marriage, and he never listened. Hearing it from her side, and then reading it from his, I began to realize that conflict resolution is a two-way street. Both parties have to be invested, but first, both parties have to know there’s a … Continue reading

More Tips to Strengthen Your Marriage

Yesterday I suggested a few tips to help strengthen and improve your marriage. Here are some more. Be Involved Make sure you have interests outside the home and/or outside the work situation. Neither of these should take up all your time. It might be a craft, a sport, or reading. Whatever it is doesn’t matter so much, so long as you are keeping mind and body active and maintain interests outside your family. It will keep you interesting as a person, help you maintain communication skills with others and provide topics of conversation. Have Common Interests At the same time, … Continue reading

Renovate Your Marriage

New year is often a time when people turn towards renovation or decluttering as Mary Ann and Tricia suggest. But have you thought about renovating and decluttering your marriage? As you think about renovations for you marriage it might raise some questions like, when should I do it? There’s no time like the present especially if things are feeling a bit stale in your marriage or if bad habits have crept into your marriage. Look for ways to spice it up and show your spouse how important they are to you. The thing is – the longer we put off … Continue reading

New Year, New Resolutions for Marriage

As we start this New Year we might wonder what the New Year will bring in our lives. We might wonder what changes there will be in our marriage. If we are wise we will have thought about this and made some resolutions or goals regarding our marriage. Maybe this year we will work on fulfilling our dreams whatever they may be. Maybe this year will see and addition to the family. That doesn’t always mean a new baby. It could be an elderly parent coming to stay or a adopting a pet. Believe me, our little dog is very … Continue reading

A Resolution for Marriage

The beginning of a new year is a good time to take stock of your marriage. Whether you have been married a few months or many years, it is a good time to stop and think about where it is at and how your relationship with your spouse is going. Even if we have a good marriage that is no reason then to be complacent and assume it will just always roll on the same way and we will never have any problems. We all need to be vigilant is seeing what negatives have crept into our marriages and how … Continue reading

Don’t Ignore Problems in Marriage

In any marriage there are difficult times and often they can be worked through as we talk them out. But much as we might like to think we can handle any problems in our marriage and work them out on our own, sometimes we may need to admit that we need help. This blog was prompted by a comment posted in response to another blog. In Packed to the Rafters, an Aussie TV show very popular here at present the husband Dave, had this to say ‘men have a way of dealing with problems. They ignore them.’ There’s a certain … Continue reading

Having a Sense of Yourself Will Help Your Marriage

Before you can be a loving and giving partner to your spouse, you have to first be secure in yourself. Many times in a marriage, especially in a young marriage, one partner tends to drift away from who he she really is until this partner really doesn’t have a clearly defined sense of himself or herself. This can be harmful to a marriage in many ways. How do you identify yourself? Many years ago, when women married they identified themselves mainly by their husband’s name. Jane Doe, for example, would become known to even her old friends as Mrs John … Continue reading

No Vacation, but a Different View of Marriage and Life.

Not many people will give up their vacation time to help others. Helping needy people is not every couple’s idea of the ideal way to spend three weeks. But it was for Carmen and Glen Ryan couple who spent three weeks aboard Africa Mercy, the world’s largest hospital ship., Carmen has a nursing background while Glen is involved in with computers and information technology. Both of them wanted to use their skills to help others less fortunate, so they ended up on the Africa Mercy ship in Liberia. The Ryans say that working aboard such a ship providing medical aid … Continue reading