When Is It Emotional Cheating?

Last time I wrote about the importance of our friends, how they’re still so necessary even when we’re married.  I said that we can get some things from our friends that we can’t from our spouses.  That can be anything from goofy times, to a chance to talk about our relationship/our spouse (not bad mouth, but just to talk), to even filling some emotional needs. Now, I realize that this could be a dangerous line.  Emotional cheating is very real, and it’s not something to be taken lightly.  So today I wanted to point out the difference between having some … Continue reading

Feeling Replaced

After struggling through a divorce it can be heart wrenching when your ex finds someone new. Not because you still want to be with them, but because there is now someone new in your children’s lives. For some of us it can be difficult to trust your ex’s judgment about the people they bring in and out of their lives. While you knew the day would eventually come when you both moved on, it can be difficult when the time actually comes. It can bring on a whole new range of emotions. It may feel as if old wounds have … Continue reading

5 Emotions Infidelity Brings On and What to Do About Them

When a spouse cheats, your emotions run wild. Not only do you go through every emotion imaginable but you can experience them all at the same time. It’s enough to drive you insane. Understanding the emotions that come with infidelity can help you with the recovery process. Your emotions are normal, must be felt and processed and knowing how to do this is imperative to your healing. Infidelity Emotion #1: Rage Rage is more than anger; it’s an emotion that can send you into a flight of forbidden words you never thought you would say. It may make you do … Continue reading