Should you Keep your Money Separate or Together in a Marriage?

A discussion regarding marriage and money really has two parts. The first is the financial considerations and the second is the emotional. Money unfortunately plays a large part in most couple’s struggles. In this day and age, many women now work or have money from an outside source. Whether they came to the marriage with large assets, their own business, or other types of money situations, the relationship between couples and money has dramatically changed from 30 years ago. With these shifts in women’s independence and a family’s reliance on two incomes, there comes a new dynamic of whose money … Continue reading

Four Tips to Help You Stop Fighting About Money

Money is a leading cause of fights and divorce in marriage. It can be a difficult subject to negotiate. Many times couples will harbor resentments and blame over the years. It is important to work on your finances as a team. It is also important to have equal accountability and responsibility when it comes to finances. If you and your spouse fight constantly about money here are a few easy steps to help things run smoother. 1) First you both need to come clean and share any past financial mistakes or purchases that you are hiding from each other. This … Continue reading

Budgeting with Your Spouse

When it comes to budgeting with your spouse, you may find that one of you is more “into it” than the other one. There are several different personality types when it comes to dealing with money. One type is the person who tracks absolutely every penny, and rigidly assigns every dollar a very specific category. Another type is the non-spender—he never wants to spend a dime. A third type is the spender—she spends every penny as fast as she can and then spends some more. A fourth type is a semi-budgeter—he starts the month with a plan, but midmonth loses … Continue reading

Merging Your Finances

If you are just getting married, it can be difficult to begin to merge finances. This becomes especially difficult when it comes down to debt and savings. It may be difficult for the partner who has little or no debt and a lot of savings to want to merge the financial situation with a partner who has large amounts of debt and no savings. The first step to successfully merging your finances is to agree to do so. It may sound silly, but if you hold something back or hide part of your finances from your spouse, then it will … Continue reading

Marriage Choking Points: Compulsive Spending

Are you a compulsive spender? Is your spouse? A compulsive spender is someone who can spend everything, right down to their last dime on frivolous things and items that they want but don’t necessarily need. A compulsive spender can do more than damage a marriage; they can land the relationship and the family into dire financial straits. If you or your spouse is a compulsive spender, chances are you are both aware of the problem. Make no mistake, compulsive spending is not a malicious act that one spouse does just to tick off the other spouse. Compulsive spending in and … Continue reading

4 Tips for Overcoming Financial Stress in Marriage

Arguments over money and how money is managed may seem inevitable in any relationship. After all, it’s hard enough to make the right financial choices without taking into account someone else’s feelings and ideas. It can be even more difficult when you are both coming from different financial angles and pasts. So if your styles of dealing with money are different, here are 4 tips for overcoming financial stress in marriage. Be frank in discussing how you and your families handled money and how it went when you were growing up. It’s important for both of you to understand where … Continue reading