When is Divorce an Option?

In 10 Divorce Myths, Heather stated how she rarely reflects on divorce because this is, after all, the Marriage Blog. I don’t like to focus on the Big D either because I believe you get what you give. (Not so much that I’m going to get divorced just from talking about it, but I don’t want to attract thoughts of it and make it a focus in my life.) However, earlier today I wrote Did You Commit to Marriage Before You Even Were? In it I brought up how many of us have learned by example that divorce is okay. … Continue reading

Divorce and Your Money

When it comes to divorce, money struggles are often listed as the number one thing couples argue about. These arguments can often escalate to divorce. But, what makes this all so bizarre is that a divorce will actually make your financial situation far worse. Then, if you also have children together, your arguments about money aren’t going to go away. If this comment alone doesn’t change your mind about ending a marriage, then be sure to protect your money as best possible before you sign on that dotted line to make the divorce final. There are some crucial money considerations … Continue reading

10 Divorce Myths

Yes, this is a marriage blog and I rarely talk about divorce here, but let’s be honest – divorce is the sad post-mortem to a dead marriage. So let’s look at a few divorce myths as we talk about our July 10th top ten divorce myths. Second Marriages Are More Successful Divorce rates are often higher for remarriages than they are for first marriages. The myth is that most people who have been married and divorced have learned from this negative experience and are more likely to be successful in their second attempt. Unfortunately, statistics do not bear that out. … Continue reading

It’s for the Kids

When it comes to divorce, nothing is ever simple, and child support is no exception. While the calculation of child support is fairly straightforward, it can still be the cause of issues among many divorced couples. There are plenty of deadbeat dads out there that choose not to support their children. Many others stand up and are faithful in their child support payments each month and as always there are those that fall in the broad spectrum in between. I have even heard of some women refusing to receive child support from their ex for a number of reasons. Some … Continue reading

Become The Alpha Mom

Do you have a hard time saying no to your kids? When I first got divorced no was not part of my vocabulary. I felt so guilty for depriving Hailey of an intact home that I just couldn’t bring myself to deprive her of anything she wanted. Needless to say, this quickly got out of hand. Our kids know who is in control and if you are always giving into them they know they have the upper hand and quickly become manipulative. So many times I’ve heard children stomping off to their rooms after mom told them no, saying things … Continue reading

Do Not Believe The Stereotypes

Even as common as single parenting is, there are still so many stereotypes and common myths. Our children are from “broken” homes. This may be true for my marriage, it was broken, but I fixed my home and my family by getting a divorce. My family is not broken, I am not broken, my child is not broken. The same goes for “intact” family. Merriam- Webster defines family as “a group of persons of common ancestry”. We are an intact family, we are a group of individuals of common ancestry who just so happen to love each other and want … Continue reading

Marriage Isn’t Fashionable

‘Marriage isn’t fashionable. People these days are not keen on commitment.’ This was the assessment of an eighty year acquaintance recently. Is he right? Given the state of marriage in USA and many other countries around the world, one could suggest there’s an element of truth in those remarks. In fact I’d dare to suggest that even when people do marry there is often an element of that lack of commitment. I see it often in the forums, and as I hear others talking about marriage and life in general. There is a sense that some men and women are … Continue reading

You Need to Find a New Best Friend

Friendships are important in our lives and having one or two close confidants is a healthy thing to do for yourself. It is especially important if you are a single parent. Many single parents fall into the trap of trying to make their child their best friend. While it is wonderful to have that close bond and relationship with your child, there are a few things you need to consider. Best friends should not be children. You need adults to talk to, and more specifically someone who might know what you are going through, or be able to offer advice … Continue reading

Did You Commit to Marriage Before You Even Were?

I did. I don’t remember exactly how young I was, but I knew early on I wanted to be married. I’m sure tales such as Cinderella had some impact on that notion, but they didn’t necessarily create the notion. It was there beforehand. Society also shaped some of my thoughts about marriage. Helped to define them, but definitely didn’t generate them. Good grief, I cringe thinking about what mixed-up concepts I’d have if I’d relied solely on my first impressions of marriage from society. Bacon See, there were a lot of mixed messages flying around about women’s roles in marriage … Continue reading

Suicidal After Weight Loss Surgery?

I know, I know. You’re probably thinking: “Hey, you aren’t obese anymore, you’ve lost 100 pounds and all your health problems have cleared up. What have you got to be suicidal about?!” The University of Pittsburgh recently completed a study that showed that among people aged from 25 to 34 who had weight loss surgery, the suicide rate was considerably higher than that of the general population. Having had a gastric bypass in 2001, I’d like to address this from my own personal point of view. When you’ve been overweight all of your life, it becomes part of your identity. … Continue reading