Connecting to Your Preteen

The preteen years can be filled with surprises…some good and some not so good. The way a parent chooses to navigate these years could significantly impact the next stage, as they move into the teen years. One of the most important things you can do during this stage is stay connected with your preteen. This won’t always be easy; depending on how much havoc hormones is having on him or her. And your preteen’s personality will also play a role. All I can tell you is that the struggle with be worth it if you can still maintain a connection. … Continue reading

Your Emotions At Two Months Pregnant

If you are pregnant, you are probably well aware that pregnancy can feel a lot different, emotionally, than what you are accustomed to. Even during early pregnancy, your baby’s impact on your body is not easy to see yet their impact on your emotions is hard to ignore. Here are a few of the things that you may be feeling during the second month of your pregnancy. Have you noticed that things that would not normally bother you drive you crazy now? It is perfectly normal to be more sensitive and even more irritable than you usually are. The hormonal … Continue reading

How Severe Is Your Social Media Addiction?

There is nothing pathological about having fun and about feeling enjoyment. We were created with these feelings and this potential. Engaging in a pleasurable activity is not inherently wrong. But the line between activity and addiction lies at the crossroads where an activity that is positive or neutral takes a decidedly negative turn. With addictive behaviors that do not involve chemical substances – such as social media – there are a series of conditions you can use to determine severity. Importance: How important has it become to your sense of self and the way you life your life? You can … Continue reading

Genealogy Movies to Keep You Warm

With all of this cold weather, many of us are probably looking for fun things to do indoors. If you are interested in genealogy, you may love to read genealogy themed books or books that can help you with your research. Once in a while, though, you may find that it is nice to treat yourself to watching a movie with a family history theme. If you have not seen it already (or if you want to see it again), Roots by Alex Haley is a classic family history movie. I read the book and watched the video of the … Continue reading

Why Your Family Members Steal Ketchup Packets

Genealogists might notice that there are certain habits that seem to run in your family. Some of these things are learned, and some seem to have a genetic basis. Have you noticed that some of your relatives have a tendency to steal ketchup packets, or sugar packets, from restaurants? There could be several reasons why they do that. When you go to a restaurant with your family, you will notice that the restaurant has put out certain things that you can use without being charged for them. Often, this includes things like the little packets of sugar, (or sugar alternatives), … Continue reading

Keep New Year’s Resolutions Realistic – Ideas for Young People

Earlier I joked that my daughter’s New Year’s resolution should be doing the dishes every night without being told. What I should have suggested was that she brush her teeth twice a day without whining and complaining. Then again, that would be more of a miracle than a resolution. Regardless, she wasn’t very receptive to either proposition. That’s the thing about New Year’s resolutions; you have to want to make a change in order for them to work. Still, there are many kids out there, who are more than willing to take on a New Year’s resolution, especially if they … Continue reading

The Things That You Get From Your Business Besides Money

When you think about your home – based business, one of the things that most likely comes to mind is the income that it generates for you. There are other things, though, that your home – based business can provide for you above and beyond what you bring in as income. Some of these things are the kind of things that you may not think about on a day to day basis, but they are worth reflecting on from time to time. For example, if you are a home – based professional parent and you are working at home in … Continue reading

Ousting Anxiety: 11 Steps to Taking Charge of Your Life

Those of us with high levels of anxiety generally respond in one of two ways. We either immerse ourselves in one “productive” task after another, or we do nothing at all. The root cause is the same – fear that we do not have control over our lives. When we scramble around manically marking things of our to-do lists, we are holding out hope that the more we get done, the closer we’ll be to control. And the more control we have, the closer we’ll be to relief from anxious thoughts and feelings. After all, once we have nothing left … Continue reading

Supporting Your Spouse through Grief

We all experience grief at some point in our lives—it’s part of being alive and human, having emotions, and loving. At times, the husband and wife will both go through the same grief—losing a child or the lesser pain of losing a badly needed job or a loved home. Other times, one spouse will go through a personal grief not quite as deeply felt by the other. In both circumstances, they need each other. If you are the spouse who is grieving, share what you need with your partner. Don’t expect him to just know what you’re going through. He … Continue reading

Your First Fight

No matter how in love you are, no matter how determined you are never to fight, no matter how much he makes your heart go pitty-pat or she makes you forget how to breathe, the day will come when you have your first fight. There’s really nothing you can do to prevent it. Something will come up, you’ll have a difference of opinion, and before you know it … your blissful marriage has come to an end. True? No. Yes, you’ll have a fight eventually, but it’s not the end of your bliss. In fact, if you handle it maturely, … Continue reading