Marriage Types: Same Sex

As previously discussed, all marriages are not the same. There are many different levels of commitment, love, and bondage when it comes to a couple’s marriage. My final marriage type will be discussed in this article. So far, we have examined covenant, polygamous, later life, young, long distance, and choosing childless marriages. While all of the marriages listed above were different to some degree, they all also had one factor in common. All of the marriages above consisted of a union between a man and a woman. Today’s marriage type is different in that its union takes place between two … Continue reading

Marriage Week in Review: May 19 – May 25

Wow what a week in marriage here at Courtney, Heather and I brought some very interesting and unique articles to you. If you missed some throughout the week, you can always check below for a recap. Tuesday, May 20 Marriage Rating Scale – How Do You Score? In this article, Heather brought us a rating that was used to rate wives. This scale is very interesting and humorous! Marriage Types: Covenant This was the first article in a series of marriage types that I began. A covenant marriage is one in which the couple shares a deeper commitment. Wednesday, … Continue reading

Marriage Types: Long Distance

Different marriage types for different couples have been a major focus of my last few articles. The latest took the age at which couples marry into consideration. Previously I have also examined the commitment style of the couples. Some couples choose to be very committed while others are much more relaxed on the dos and don’ts of marriage. Now I will turn my focus on location. To most couples, marriage is waking up each morning together and going to bed each night together. However for some, time is more spent apart rather than together. These couples live in a long … Continue reading

Marriage Types: Young

Like people, relationships and marriages are different. They vary in many aspects and areas. Some couples are more committed with covenant marriages while others are more open with polygamous marriages. Other people are in their second marriage. While some people marry later in life, some marry very early in life. I know some couples who married before they even graduated from high school. Like those couples who marry late in life, there are several reasons why a couple may choose to marry early or young. Some couples marry young due to the fact that they are expecting a baby. The … Continue reading

Marriage Types: Later Life

So far we have discussed covenant marriages, second marriages, and polygamous marriages. It is amazing how many different types of relationship bonds couples can have. Even traditional marriages can come in various forms. Couples marry at all different stages in their lives and for all different reasons. Some couples marry later in their lives. There are several different reasons why a person may put marriage on hold during what most consider to be the common marrying years. Some couples do not marry until they are in their late 30s or 40s. Some people wish to get married before this age … Continue reading

Marriage Breakers – Part 1

Or as my grandmother would say, “what you need to know before you ask or say yes.” Not too long ago, I listened to a good friend enthuse about her upcoming nuptials. She wasn’t engaged yet, but she knew her boyfriend was the one and that he would ask her sooner or later. When I asked how she knew this, she said that she’d shown him the types of engagement rings she wanted and he was paying close attention. More than a little surprised, I had to remind my friend who has two children with two other men, both of … Continue reading

Is Divorce an Option in Your Marriage?

Divorce was once a very quiet and embarrassing process. Now divorce is thought of to be a fairly common practice. While Heather addressed the drop in divorce percentage over the past couple of years, some do not give more than a second thought to obtaining a divorce. Some people go into marriage feeling that if it does not work they have a way out trough a divorce. Divorce is too common and easy for many couples. When most couples unite in marriage, they never consider the thought of getting a divorce. So what happens a few years (or months) later … Continue reading

Love Notes: Life is Like a Box of Chocolates, Truffles & More

Say what you want about Forrest Gump and I’ve seen plenty, but the line he made so popular is so popular because it is so apt and so profound. Our lives are like a box of chocolates and we never really know what we’re going to get when we bite into them. Among some of the best moments in our lives are the hidden truffles that we discovered quite by accident. Hidden Treasures When you discover one of these hidden treasures, you should hold it close to you and embrace it because these are those priceless moments that happen unexpectedly. … Continue reading

Is Your Sex Life on the Skids?

This is a family forum and I’m going to do my best to discuss the following topic in a way that is not offensive. However, as marriages go, having your sex life hit the skids is a problem many couples may face after the birth of children. No matter how active, creative or unlimited their intimacy was prior to children – it seems that having a baby can not only neutralize the interest in physical intimacy, but also cut it off altogether. Identifying the Problem You may think the lack of interest in physical intimacy is the problem, yet strangely … Continue reading

Teaching Social Skills

If I had it to do all over again, I would make sure Hailey spent more time with other people. After a divorce your social life seems to diminish. Things that you would have been invited to as part of a couple you are no longer invited to. It’s uncomfortable sometimes for friends that the two of you shared during your marriage. They don’t feel like they can invite you both but inviting one of you feels like choosing sides so the invitations just stop coming. This makes it lonelier as a single mother but it also limits your child’s … Continue reading