Marriage Week in Review: June 23 – June 29

The topics in marriage this week have focused on arguments, weddings, and relationship news. Beat the heat this summer, sty inside, and check out some of the articles listed below! Monday, June 23 Is Your Argument over Control? Some couples take part in arguments due to control issues. They are more interested in seeing who can control the other rather than the issue at hand. Your Feelings Influence Your Fights How sensitive we are and how we respond to certain situations all depends on the how we feel. If you are having an “off” day be sure to let your … Continue reading

Man Sells His Life on Ebay after Divorce

The ending of marriage is difficult no doubt. The break-up is even harder if it was provoked by your mate and undesired by you. People deal with break-ups and divorces in all different ways. Some people get angry while others are upset and depressed. I have heard of people moving to different parts of the country and changing jobs and even hairstyles after a break-up. However, until now, I have never heard of anyone who actually sold his or her life. After his divorce a year ago, 44 year old Ian Usher from Australia decided that everything about him and … Continue reading