Are You Really Best Friends?

How many times have you heard someone comment that their spouse is their best friend? I have heard it a lot. However in how many cases is it actually true? It seems that those words are just something that one says because they feel like they should. Many partners may say that they are best friends but in reality they do not treat one another like best friends at all. Many partners have much higher expectations, more jealousy, and greater demands of their mates than they ever would have for a friend. In addition they also typically give their mate … Continue reading

Friends to Mates: More Factors to Consider

In my last article I discuss the possibility of creating a romantic relationship with a close friend. I also discussed how there are many factors to consider before approaching a friend about romantic feelings. The first factor discussed the possibility that the friend may not feel the same way about you that you do about him or her. You may be setting yourself up for some great heartbreak by expressing your feelings. Check out some of the other factors to consider below. Are you prepared for a disappointment? In your mind this person is the perfect friend. You have likely … Continue reading

Friends to Mates: Factors to Consider

Good relationships are built on the foundation of friendship. When the two people who make up a romantic couple are also best friends, the bond that they share is even stronger. Therefore it is a good idea to share a special friendship with your mate. By the term friendship, I mean people that share common likes and dislikes. Friends are people who share hopes, dreams, and ideas with one another. People who can go out and have a good time together. Friends are people who have things in common to discuss. Yes, believe it or not there are couples who … Continue reading

Looking for Mr. (or Mrs.) Right? Attend a Convention

Many of us have found our Prince (or Princess) Charming, but many are still looking for that elusive someone. There are times when it seems our options are limited: we can go to bars, we can hang out at the grocery store, we can accept blind dates, but waiting for fate to work her magic can seem pointless, hopeless, and way too hard. I recently learned about a great convention for singles headed up by Alisa Goodwin Snell, a licensed marriage and family therapist, dating coach, and author of books for singles. She says, “Singles always say that they love … Continue reading

Talking to Your Kids about Alcohol Abuse

When I was getting ready to go away to college, my parents sat me down and said something to the effect of “you’re probably going to drink when you’re at college, just do it responsibly.” They didn’t know that I’d already been faced with offers of alcohol and turned them down without hesitation. But then, I wouldn’t consider myself a typical teen with a typical curiosity about drinking. I had already seen up close what serious drinking could do to a person, and was not at all interested in alcohol. I never had more than a sip to taste until … Continue reading

Marriage Week in Review: April 21 – April 27

Many exciting and interesting topics were discussed this week in Marriage at Courtney and I have strived to bring you some of the latest relationship news and issues. Check out below for a reminder of the week! Monday, April 21 Friends to Mates: Factors to Consider Beginning a romantic relationship with a close friend can be a tricky and complicated decision. This article gives some suggestions of things to consider before coming forth with your feelings. Friends to Mates: More Factors to Consider This article is a continuation of the previous discussion about sparking a relationship with a close … Continue reading

Questions about Single Parents and Dating

We all know that divorce is much more common now than ever before. In addition having children out of wedlock is also fairly common. It is not uncommon to have over half of a group of twenty children come from either a single parent or a divorced home. Statistics also say that people are waiting longer to get married now. Many people are continuing their education first and then considering marriage later. With all of the factors listed above, it can make it difficult for a person of waiting to find a mate who has not either been divorced or … Continue reading

Is Your Son or Daughter Depressed?

It might initially be difficult to determine whether a child is just “down in the dumps,” or whether he or she is experiencing a major depressive episode. Parents can watch for symptoms that are persistent, troubling, and interfering with typical life functioning. In a major depressive episode, many of the following signs may be observed: It’s persistent. First, the sadness has been ongoing for at least two weeks or more, without lifting. It’s causing changes in the family dynamics or is contributing to family stress at home. Loss of enthusiasm. The child is no longer interested in activities that were … Continue reading