Roadrunner the Sprinting Kitty

Just like dogs, some cats like to run After my string of serious articles on how to introduce your pets to your new baby, I thought I’d take a day for a more upbeat story. Today’s topic might not be as fun and lighthearted as I’d hoped, however, because it tells the story of a cat that frankly puts my own exercise habits to shame. I’ve talked about cats that have crossed countries to find their owners, but even the awesome Karim has nothing on Roadrunner. Asbury Park Press has all the details on perhaps the world’s only feline long … Continue reading

Loving an Angry Man

I’ll never forget a conversation I had with my husband early in our relationship regarding his anger issues. I was trying to ascertain whether or not he understood the impact his volatile temper had on his personal and professional life. When I realized that he didn’t necessarily consider his anger a negative attribute, I asked him, “How do you figure your temper helps you?” His answer was swift and decisive: “People are afraid of me, so they usually do what I want.” He was a little slower in answering my next question: “And how does it hurt you?” Like most … Continue reading

Dealing with Jealousy

Jealousy can be a big issue in some relationships. Some partners find that they become very controlling and obsessive when in a relationship. Others feel more secure and are comfortable with their mate being around others of the opposite sex. There is a line that can be drawn between being too jealous and too lax in your relationship. While you do not want to put your mate in the old ball and chain, you also want to be able to recognize when something is not right. Jealousy is not always something that can be controlled. Some people, women especially, become … Continue reading

Marriage Week in Review: June 23 – June 29

The topics in marriage this week have focused on arguments, weddings, and relationship news. Beat the heat this summer, sty inside, and check out some of the articles listed below! Monday, June 23 Is Your Argument over Control? Some couples take part in arguments due to control issues. They are more interested in seeing who can control the other rather than the issue at hand. Your Feelings Influence Your Fights How sensitive we are and how we respond to certain situations all depends on the how we feel. If you are having an “off” day be sure to let your … Continue reading

Maybe I Really Am Unmateable?

I have written occasionally here in the Single Parents Blog about my own experiences with dating and definitely about my journey as a single parent. I date, I have dated, and I have had one heartbreaking attempt at a long-term relationship since my divorce several years ago. Most of the time, I feel nothing but gratitude and appreciation for my fabulous life. I have absolutely nothing to complain about—three terrific, healthy kids; marketable skills and a work ethic that allows me to a decent job of providing for everyone’s needs; and friends and family who love me, or at least … Continue reading

Marriage Breakers – Part 1

Or as my grandmother would say, “what you need to know before you ask or say yes.” Not too long ago, I listened to a good friend enthuse about her upcoming nuptials. She wasn’t engaged yet, but she knew her boyfriend was the one and that he would ask her sooner or later. When I asked how she knew this, she said that she’d shown him the types of engagement rings she wanted and he was paying close attention. More than a little surprised, I had to remind my friend who has two children with two other men, both of … Continue reading

Your Marriage Benefiting from Recession?

As I’ve repeated more than once in various articles, I’m a huge fan of Sarah Ban Breathnach and her Simple Abundance approach to life. Speaking of Simple Abundance, if I’m remembering correctly it was born during a time when another recession was under way. Back in the early 1990s. Ms. Breathnach wanted to find a way to get more out of life with less, not just materially but spiritually too. So she revamped her life and her way of thinking about life and created what has become a transformative guidebook instructing other women how to achieve both as well. This … Continue reading

What Have I Done to My Marriage? – Part Three, Salvation Strategies

Yesterday I wrote what turned into Parts One and Two of the “What Have I Done to My Marriage” mini-series. Where I left off in the saga was how Wayne and I weren’t even on speaking terms this past weekend. In our years together we’ve had our moments of silent treatments, but they usually remain just that –moments. Saturday morning we went a few hours giving each other the silent treatment, and then again that night and into Sunday morning. That’s highly unusual. Fear and Doubt Sets In Sunday morning I woke up frantic, unable to push the following thoughts … Continue reading

Marriage Week in Review: March 10- March 16

Courtney and I both hit the writing process pretty hard this week. We have many topics and articles that have been discussed. There is sure to at least one that will spark your interest. Check out below for a list from the week. Monday, March 10 More Recent Stats on Long Marriages, Part 2 – The Stats In this article Courtney continued her discussion on the stats for long marriages that she discovered. Tuesday, March 11 A Wife’s Public Embarrassment: Dina Matos Sympathizes with Silda Spitzer’s Plight Courtney took on the topic of how it must feel to be the … Continue reading

Does Your Mate Remind You of Your Parent?

Most of you have probably heard terms such as “mama’s boy” and “daddy’s girl”. It is believed, and often very true, that girls are more responsive and bonded with their fathers and boys are closer to their mothers. Noting that in a normal family setting with loving and caring parents, I often see the pattern of boys hanging on to their mommies and girls with daddies wrapped around their fingers, I began to wonder what impact this has on choosing a mate. Do we subconsciously look for mates that resemble the characteristics and personalities of our parents? Are females attracted … Continue reading